Thursday, May 25, 2006

Should Christians oppose wealth?

Wealth is anthema to the average leftie but as my dear old Dad once said, "Behind every leftwinger there is a capitalist trying to get out." Not wrong there, was he Mr Prescott? The left are geared to spending other people's money and that means yours and mine - not just that of the rich. Even then, why should society have the right to arbitrarily take the wealth off anybody. At what point does taxation just become mere theft?
Consider Inheritance Tax. Purest evil. Here is the principle: "Somebody just died in your family? Good. Give us a large chunk of your family's cash which has already been taxed."
Beyond belief BUT the leftie wants to work from a base of: jealousy, envy, class hatred, hatred of anybody who has 50p more than they have. Doesn't hang too well with Christian principles does it?
What if you have got money? The Jews believed that wealth was a sign of God's blessing. They were quite surprised when Jesus talked of it being 'harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.' Jesus was speaking of wealth as a 'barrier to God' - certainly in this story of the Rich Young Ruler who would not give up his wealth it was the case. We all have these barriers and quite often it is 'the LOVE of money whichcauses them'. Jesus warns of wealth abused in the parables of the 'Rich Fool' and 'The Rich Man and Lazarus.'
Trouble is that today, we are ALL wealthy in a nation like ours. We are those 'rich fools'. We own more than the rich of whom Jesus spoke could have even imagined. We have responsibilities before God for vthe Third World.
Start getting generous. Send a donation which HURTS to TearFund or Christian Aid TODAY.

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