Friday, August 31, 2007

Beware, beware, beware.

The ex-Hereford goalkeeper David Icke is dangerous - unfortunately, he has a widespread readership of the huge amounts of utter trash he peddles and acolytes who hang onto his every word in meetings which can last for hours on end and uses emotionalism to win over the gullible to whom he preaches.True cult values.
This man who described himself at one time as the '"Son of the Godhead" has even subverted the faith of the born again.
Ironically, the research he has done for some of his books has been to a very high standard when exposing some of the conspiracies in the world today from secret societies to the Bilderberg Group.
Sadly, this then leads onto wild accusations of members of the Royal Family actually being part alien; shape-shifting reptiles to be more precise. His crazy theories - easily accessed online - are put forward as if they carry the same weight as his proper research.
If there are global conspiracies - and I for one certainly do not dismiss them - the work of this man who 'investigates' them is at least as dangerous as the real thing.
Furthermore, anybody who diverts us from The Lord Jesus Christ is evil - however outwardly agreeable he may appear.

So Sad When Christians Fall For Scams.

Evangelicals Rejoice at the Church of England’s Fossil Fuel Divestment. “Unless Jesus returns we face a catastrophic future.” KEN CHITWOOD |...