Monday, August 06, 2007

Phillips v Dawkins.

Mr Arrogance, sometimes referred to as Professor Richard Dawkins, that well known I-believe-in-scientific-method-but-only-so-long-as-I-do-not-have-to-justify-any-of-my-own-scientific-beliefs atheist, has now launched an attack on the whole of New Age spiritualist claptrap.
He is a man I pray for specifically every single day, so I am pleased to see that he has at least got something right.
But as Melanie Phillips - somebody who almost always does get it right - notes, it is the very collapse of belief systems which has led to an angst-led search through all this pseudo spiritual pap for people who have been abandoned in a Godless vacuum.
She quotes Chesterton's "When a man stops believing in God - it is not that he believes in nothing but that he will believe in anything." Oh, so true.

So Sad When Christians Fall For Scams.

Evangelicals Rejoice at the Church of England’s Fossil Fuel Divestment. “Unless Jesus returns we face a catastrophic future.” KEN CHITWOOD |...