Sunday, March 01, 2009

Civil liberties.

The old NCCL [National Council for Civil Liberties] became Liberty. Rightly or wrongly, I have always felt that this was a group designed to reinforce the freedoms of leftists and their acolytes to continue their efforts to undermine our social structure.
I would much prefer to look at the work of The Magna Carta Society, UKIP, The Freedom Association, The Democracy Movement, Civitas et al which are concerned with both the rights of the individual and social responsibility.
I respect much of what is done by The Libertarian Alliance but as a Christian I sometimes feel the need to draw lines.
The truth is that politicians have never been more self-serving and untrustworthy. Against this backcloth we have seen countless measures from government to shackle the rights of people to make their own decisions. Europhiles are slow to admit that the bulk of this has its origin in a 'simple trading group' called the European Union with its ever powerful bureaucrats, Eurojust and Europol which form the small tip of a giant iceberg.
It appears that for Suzanne Moore, the penny is starting to drop! An interesting article but one which perhaps fails to grasp where all this Orwellian nightmare junk originates.

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