Sunday, November 14, 2010

The evil that is Britain in 2010.

I have tried for many years to distinguish between sin - which we all commit - and evil.
By looking at the passage where Jesus outlines the only 'unpardonable sin' in Mark's Gospel, we are given clues.

Dr Sheila Matthews, as a victim, illustrates the point. As a Christian and a part of the Council's adoption panel in Leicester she has been forced into resignation because of her biblically-based attitudes to homosexuals in the adoption process.
Let us leave aside the fact that it is only Christians who are ever persecuted in these matters and see how what is being done to her is actually 'evil'.
Goodness has been reversed. 'Bad is now good' and 'good is now bad'.
Doing wrong is one thing - but then to claim that this is indeed 'right and proper' is where the line has been crossed. The Scriptures are our benchmark.
The persecution of Dr Matthews is intrinsically evil.
One piece of advice I have for the good doctor, is for her to skip taking this matter to the European Courts as the outcome there is inevitable and a long term waste of her time.
