Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mr Homburg hat and astrakhan.

Last night I watched a 6 year old profile of the great Tony Hancock on some obscure TV channel.
I was left with a sense of deep sorrow. This 'funny man' was dead at 44 having committed suicide in Australia back in 1968.

In almost every photograph of the many displayed, his eyes revealed a profound sorrow and discomfort with life.
He turned into an alcoholic; took on the arrogance of fame; embraced violence and self-destruction; betrayed his many friends and seemed incapable of maintaining any relationship.

As Christians, we have a duty to spot those around us who display similar symptoms and we must do our level best to help them. Christ would expect no less.

Back Into The EU? - A Plan, Yes, But What A Disastrous One!

  Latest analysis suggests Britain would have  had to hand over the same amount of money this year to the EU as Labour claim they needed to ...