Monday, February 14, 2011

Raabe scandal.

'A Christian GP sacked from a Government drugs advisory body for his ‘controversial’ views on homosexuality has discovered that a Home Office report made similar points.
Dr Hans Christian Raabe was fired from the Advisory Council for the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) last week for failing to disclose he had co-authored an academic report linking homosexuality to paedophilia.
His dismissal prompted widespread protests from anti-drugs groups who claimed he had been the subject of a witch-hunt.'
So. Believe the Scriptures and you are not fit to wage war on drugs. ????

If anybody should ever sue - he should! (Incidentally - wasn't his report academically valid, to boot?) Politically incorrect don't mean wrong! This government is just as much liberal left as the last one!

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Back Into The EU? - A Plan, Yes, But What A Disastrous One!

  Latest analysis suggests Britain would have  had to hand over the same amount of money this year to the EU as Labour claim they needed to ...