Friday, February 25, 2011

One in five shock!

Apparently one child in five in Hull is 'living in abject poverty' according to a report on Radio Humberside from a trade union.
Poverty is 'in the eye of the beholder'.
If you earn only £80k a year when the average is £100k - you are in RELATIVE poverty.
The activists and leftwingers who make these claims know full well that relative poverty can, by definition, never disappear. It is not even necessarily poverty by any other, rational definition.
These people use this anomaly to propagandise us.
How many children in Hull live on the streets? How many are unclothed? How many are unfed? How many have no access to health care? How many are not allowed an education? How many don't have a TV?

Poverty? - Don't make me laugh!

Back Into The EU? - A Plan, Yes, But What A Disastrous One!

  Latest analysis suggests Britain would have  had to hand over the same amount of money this year to the EU as Labour claim they needed to ...