Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Benefits Sure Beat Work For A Majority!

'When bosses of a growing business needed to fill 20 jobs in a city with more than 10,000 out of work, they thought it would be easy.
But two weeks after advertising the posts, they are astonished to have had only two applications instead of the flood they expected.
They have hit out at the lack of a work ethic shown by the unemployed, amid renewed calls yesterday for welfare reform to encourage benefit claimants into jobs.
Critics said the experience of security firm OnGuard24 in Coventry is repeated throughout the country.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2031358/Security-firm-baffled-workshy-Coventry--10-000-unemployed--advert-20-jobs-attracts-just-TWO-replies.html#ixzz1WUNb8J7v


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