Sunday, December 04, 2011

Apostasy Alert!

The Reverend Gillian Cook was on the 'religious show' on Radio Humberside this morning and talking about the legislation permitting 'gay marriages' in church.
She had apparently attended one such - venue unclear - and was so impressed that she compared this to - wait for it - 1 Corinthians 13!
"It's Been Going Along For A Long Time" was one of her principal justifications. (Can't fault logic like that!)
She went on to make absolutely clear that the law did not make this compulsory - so 'it was alright really'.
She then continued and explained that 'the Quakers' and 'unitarians' were embracing this horror. (This Blog has already determined that the Quakers - once a mighty Christian group - are well down the slippery slope to cult status. The unitarians have never been anything but a cult!)
Accepting homosexuals as just people who are sinners is one thing - changing Christianity to fit around them is a pure abomination!

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