'Social mobility in Britain is the worst in the Western world and the gap between rich and poor has become ingrained in children as young as three, MPs conclude today.
They quote a study showing that the prospects of half of all children born in the UK can be almost entirely linked to the circumstances of their parents – compared to only 15 per cent of those in Denmark.'
Of course - it is politically incorrect to point out that the greatest ever engine for social mobility in the UK was the Grammar School. It certainly worked for me, my wife and all my oldest friends who certainly came from the lower classes.
Fancy the tories removing that ladder, eh? That's what it it's like wiv toffs though, innit?
Er - well - actually, it was the left and the liberal left what done it! (It was only the later swing to the left with the tories which brought them onto the bandwagon of supporting 'Apprehensive Schools' instead.
This is arguably the best, single example of the devastation to our nation (will make a nice rap lyric) by ivory tower politicians.
Studies in the past (ironically enough, from the LSE, if I recall correctly) have shown that social mobility in the few areas retaining these so-called 'elitist institutions' is considerably greater than elsewhere.