Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Liberal Left ON Punishment - Have Signally Failed.

The left believe in, restoration, restitution, rehabilitation and for all I know, revelation. Most of the rest of us do also, except we also believe in retribution,remorse and repentance- although those of us who are Christians do not believe in revenge. [Retribution means a balanced, fair and hopefully certain punishment.]
The leftwing attitude has dominated, and even been taken on board by the Tories, for at least 55 years over which time crime must obviously have plummeted. No sensible society could allow such beliefs if they were failing.
Unfortunately, this is not quite the case as serious crime has risen by over 1,100% in that period. Clearly, godlessness, fractured families et al, all play their debilitating parts but the removal of the concept of punishment has also removed the basic principle of fairness a society requires. When wrongdoers do not receive a punishment commensurate with their crime, it is not only unfair on them but also unfair on all the rest of us who do 'play the game'.
God requires us to punish crime on the social level and to be prepared to forgive individuals on the personal level. If this is not true then the two Testaments are inconsistent - which is clearly not the case.
Punishment for wrongdoing is a fundamental Christian principle. Please remember however, that God only forgives sin, we are still answerable for our crime. Of course, they do overlap!
LINK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1843541483/202-1865173-7186262?v=glance&n=266239

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