Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tory Smoke & Mirrors Over EU Powers - AGAIN!

Note how Cameron & co are announcing repatriation of powers from the EU:
The Sunday Times reported that David Cameron will in November – ahead of the Corby by-election – announce that the UK will exercise its ‘block opt-out’ from around 130 EU crime and policing laws, including the European Arrest Warrant, as allowed for by the Lisbon Treaty.
Now let us consider what this really means.
Firstly, NOTHING is actually being repatriated at all. It is an 'opt out' issue.
Secondly, it is a calculated misleading of voters that powers can be repatriated - which is verboten by The Treaty Of Rome. (Try opting out of the CAP! and see what happens!)
Thirdly, it gives the erroneous impression that the tories really are eurosceptic which is far from the case.
Fourthly, this comes from The Lisbon Treaty which totally hogtied us as a free nation. It is nothing more than a few crumbs meant to pacify those of us who are still very angry.
Well it hasn't managed it!

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