Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Branston Pickle Sold Off To Japan?

This could be the end of civilisation as we know it!

EU: Cost Benefit Analysis.

Europhiles wittering on about how valuable the EU is to us? -
Ask them if they would support a full, neutral Cost Benefit Analysis of our membership.
If they agree - they do not have a clue what they are talking about.
If they disagree - they will already know what the findings would show.

Professor Dawkins And His 'Backflips'.

DAWKINS JUNK BACK FLIP occurred in a debate with UK Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks on science and religion, (on BBC Parliament, 18 Sep 2012), when recent discoveries by the ENCODE project came up. The most significant discovery made by this project was that large amounts of so-called “junk DNA” in the human genome have been found to have functions. (See our report here). Dawkins commented: “I have noticed that there are some creationists who are jumping on [the ENCODE results] because they think that's awkward for Darwinism. Quite the contrary it's exactly what a Darwinist would hope for, to find usefulness in the living world …” However, in his 2009 book ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’, Dawkins wrote: “… it is a remarkable fact that the greater part (95 percent in the case of humans) of the genome might as well not be there, for all the difference it makes”. In an article on the website Evolution News and Views 20 September 2012 David Klinghoffer commented: “A wonderful man like Rabbi Sacks would probably have to shed his courtliness for a moment to properly call out Dawkins on this blatant, unacknowledged and suspiciously convenient self-contradiction. Ah well, as we knew already, being a Darwinist means never having to say ‘I was wrong’”. A video of the debate can be seen on the Evolution News and Views website.

Open Europe Headline.

UK’s net contribution to long-term EU budget could increase even under a real-term freeze.

Let's Leave This Weekend!

Two British Gurkhas shot dead by insurgent wearing Afghan police uniform in Helmand

Pro Choice? Think On This.

Wind Farms On The Way Out?

I Am ALIVE, What About YOU?

Believers Slaughtered In Nigeria.

Sectarian Clashes Feared After Suicide Attack Kills Children, Women in Nigerian Church

By Anugrah Kumar
At least 15 people, mostly children and women, were killed and about 150 others were injured after a suicide bomber disguising himself as a Christian attacked a large Catholic church in northern Nigeria's Kaduna city during Sunday morning service, raising fears of renewed sectarian violence.

Hmm. Might Be Nice.

Mats Persson: Labour could unintentionally push the UK out of the EU.
On the Guardian Comment is Free, Open Europe’s Mats Persson looks at Labour’s position in Europe, arguing that ahead of the 2015 elections Labour has two options in how to respond to a possible Tory pledge to renegotiate EU membership terms and a referendum: either gambling on the EU not being an electoral issue or promising an In/Out referendum. He argues that Labour could unintentionally be the party that pulls the UK out of Europe, if it banks “on the status quo or Tory splits” rather than developing a coherent vision of its own.

Guardian CiF: Persson

Question: Guess Who Wants You To Believe This?

Answer: The LibLabCon Greens and assorted, nasty little parties of both right and left.

Ontogeny STILL Does NOT Recapitulate Phylogeny!

What used to be called the "recapitulation theory" has long been eliminated from scientific literature, but it is still being presented as a scientific reality by some evolutionist publications. The term "recapitulation" is a condensation of the dictum "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny," put forward by the evolutionary biologist Ernst Haeckel at the end of the nineteenth century. This theory of Haeckel's postulates that living embryos re-experience the evolutionary process that their pseudo-ancestors underwent. He theorized that during its development in its mother's womb, the human embryo first displayed the characteristics of a fish, and then those of a reptile, and finally those of a human.
It has since been proven that this theory is completely bogus. It is now known that the "gills" that supposedly appear in the early stages of the human embryo are in fact the initial phases of the middle-ear canal, parathyroid, and thymus. That part of the embryo that was likened to the "egg yolk pouch" turns out to be a pouch that produces blood for the infant. The part that was identified as a "tail" by Haeckel and his followers is in fact the backbone, which resembles a tail only because it takes shape before the legs do.
These are universally acknowledged facts in the scientific world, and are accepted even by evolutionists themselves. Two leading neo-Darwinists, George Gaylord Simpson and W. Beck have admitted:
Haeckel misstated the evolutionary principle involved. It is now firmly established that ontogeny does not repeat phylogeny.319

With his faked embryo drawings, Ernst Haeckel deceived the world of science for a century.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Barclays & Coutts tell Stonewall to drop 'Bigot' Award

Barclays and Coutts have announced that they will withdraw their support for Stonewall's Awards event unless the homosexual campaign group drops the 'Bigot of the Year' category.

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali.

Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali launches latest book
Watch a report of the launch and
Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali launched his new book yesterday at All Souls church, Langham Place in central London.

In Triple Jeopardy for the West: Aggressive Secularism, Radical Islamism and Multiculturalism, Bishop Michael argues that these three seemingly diverse pressures are a profound threat to British life.

He makes the case for Christianity as the foundation which can provide the equality, justice and freedom currently sought by our society.

Triple Jeopardy for the West is published by Bloomsbury and is available from all major book sellers. Christian Concern.

Erratic Posts.

Posts may continue to be erratic in coming days on this Blog as I am having Internet access problems.

Good News In The Media For Once!

The little boy who came back from the dead: His parents thought they'd lost him. But an hour after Jago's body was plucked from a pond, medics found a pulse.

Read more:
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Rowan The Wet.

He Lives!

Payback Time.

Germany makes case for British EU membership - 30/10/2012 09:20:00
Germany has told the UK it is an important and needed member of the
European Union, just days after London spelled out its deep ambivalence
about its EU future.

Clearly, this 'support' is payback for us winning the last two world wars!

Stonewall Bigots

Action Alert from Christian Concern View in your browser.
Christian Concern

Expose big business funding for Stonewall's 'bigot' award

This Thursday, homosexual campaign group Stonewall will present its infamous 'Bigot of the Year' award. Amazingly, the Awards Dinner is funded by big name UK businesses, including Barclays, PwC and the Queen's bank, Coutts & Co.

The nominees include a Cardinal, an Archbishop, a member of the House of Lords and Alan Craig, former leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance - all known for voicing support for maintaining the current definition of marriage.

Labelling people 'Bigots' for expressing a mainstream view on a crucial issue is an attempt to intimidate and shut down public debate.
Sadly, we're not surprised by Stonewall's tactics of mockery and ridicule but are these businesses aware of what they are funding?
Let's make sure they're aware that many of their employees, customers and shareholders will be unhappy about this.
  • Join our #BigotAward Twitter campaign by following us @CConcern and retweeting our messages
  • Contact the leaders of Barclays, PwC and Coutts here >

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Go, Finns Go!

The anti-euro Finns party won 12.3% of votes in yesterday’s Finnish local elections, more than doubling its 2008 result of 5%, but below both recent polls and the 19% the party achieved in last year’s parliamentary elections. The FT reports that their underperformance was due to traditional parties - the Social Democrats and Centre Party, taking a tougher line on the euro.FT WSJ EUobserver YLE

The UK's Last Political Hope?

You Cannot Get Away With This Thinking!

KNOW The Signs Of A Stroke!

Sodom And Gomorrah Move Over.

Canned Tomatoes. Smile.

The Way.

Burglary, A National Disgrace.

Burglars with a string of previous convictions are being spared jail, prompting calls for Ministers to toughen up on sentencing.New figures show the average burglar now has 12 break-ins to their name, the highest number ever recorded. More than 3,000 convicted last year had been found guilty at least 20 times before. Despite this, half the burglars were given fines or community sentences rather than being sent to prison.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Irregular Postings.

Postings are likely to be at irregular times tomorrow and possibly Tuesday.

Quite. Jonah Was NOT A Nice Person!

Great News! Even MORE Eastern European Migrants!

Be Nice!

Twice in 48 hours I have heard of drastic and most unpleasant polarisations into 'sides' at the funeral of loved ones.
Can we not remember that Christ said, 'Blessed are the peacemakers'?

Rock - Fortress - Deliverer.

Great. Thanks, Brussels. Thanks A Bunch For Your Interference!

In at least 21 cases where casualty or maternity units have closed or closures been planned since 2009, NHS officials have cited the European Working Time Directive (EWTD) as a factor in the decision. (S.Telegraph.)

DSGV Survey.

A new survey by the German Savings Banks Association (DSGV) has found that 69% of Germans are against an EU-wide deposit guarantee scheme.
DSGV press release

God Is Still Good.

Living Standards.

First of all - let me declare that I am blessed mightily by God's provision and I envy no man because of his possessions.
Even so, it is very annoying that so much of our money is drained from us, often without us even seeing it.
Where does our money go? Where are the bottomless pits?
1) The worst drain of all of course, is simply the EU. This is fact proven times-a-many on this Blog.
2) Quangos bleed huge amounts from the Exchequer - and whilst many do have worthwhile functions - many do not. Those which do are frequently over-manned.
3) Overseas aid is wickedly ill-targeted.
4) The black economy costs us all far too much.
5) Tax dodgers cost us money.
6) The scrotes who misuse and abuse the benefits system cost us all money.
7) Crime costs us money - whether in expensive crime prevention measures we have to take in our homes or the 'shrinkage' which adds 2%+ to our supermarket bills.
8) Rip-off merchants have never been more in evidence from phone companies to gas suppliers, from supermarkets to insurance companies.
9) Banks and investment companies pay absurd rates on savings.
10) Councils and governments continue to overspend on bureaucracy and 'nutty' projects.
11) Humongous sums of our money used 'changing back' a climate which hadn't changed in the first place!
And so it goes on!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Real Education Is Praised.


great pyramids
Massive Desert Prayer Gathering Draws Together Egypt's Christians
By Stoyan Zaimov
A massive four-day national prayer event is starting today, Oct. 26, in the desert north of Cairo, and is expected to draw 50,000 people from all over Egypt and reach around 5 to 6 million viewers with television coverage.
Christian Post.

A Strong Tower.

Quangocrats Are Labour Supporters - And Clearly, Most Of The Rest Are Lib Dems.

Last year 77 per cent of those who had a known political allegiance were Labour, described as 'very alarming' by Tory MP Priti Patel77% of quangocrats are Labour party supporters: Warning 'disgraceful trend' could block Tory reforms
Last year 77 per cent of those who had a known political allegiance were Labour, more than the 70 per cent under Gordon Brown's administration. (Mail)
A huge sword should be wielded against these grotesque money holes!

'Crackdown' - A 'Politicians' Word' Which Can NEVER Be Believed!

NATO Should Get The Credit!

Europe peace down to Nato. Yorkshire Post.
From: John Redhead, Owst Road, Keyingham, East Yorkshire.
BOB Heys (Yorkshire Post, October 19) proudly proclaims that the EU has been primarily responsible for preserving peace in Europe, thus justifying its formation.
I have no wish to shatter the illusions of Europhiles on the subject but the fact is that peace in Europe was established and is still maintained by Nato – led, largely equipped and bankrolled by the United States of America.
The peculiar award of the Nobel Peace Prize to a dying institution which has significantly failed to make any contribution to peace is perhaps not so strange. The “impartial and authoritative committee having no axe to grind”, to which Bob Heys refers, is chaired by Thorbjorn Jagland, who is also secretary general of the Council of Europe. Is it mere coincidence that the council is desperately short of funds and that its secretary-general is seeking a bail out from none other than the EU?

Christian Life.

The Kellogg–Briand Pact .

The Kellogg–Briand Pact (Pact Of Paris) in 1928 was one more fragment of naively, well-intentioned peace-mongering which helped sow the seeds of World War Two!

Gay Myths?

Friday, October 26, 2012

All Hail ...

Romney Ahead.

A spate of new presidential polls have been released Thursday on the presidential election 2012, from Gallup, Associated Press/Gfk, ABC News/Washington Post, and Rasmussen Reports - with most showing Gov. Mitt Romney ahead of President Barack Obama.

Could it not be arranged for BOTH to lose?

What Shows Through From Your Lifestyle?

Warn On Porn?

A most depressing article.

Preparing Voters For The Usual Tory Scam!

David Cameron has told the House of Commons, “I think what the vast majority of this country wants is a new settlement with Europe and then that settlement being put to fresh consent. That’s what will be going in our manifesto and I think it will get a ringing endorsement from the British people.” (Open Europe)
NO! All thinking people want to CUT US LOOSE!

The Messiah.

I recently watched a two part programme about Jewish people in Manchester. They were waiting for The Messiah.
How terribly sad that, as God's chosen people, they missed Him!
I am sure that most will however, 'catch' The Second Coming!

Big Ice Loss In The Arctic BUT ....

ANTARCTIC ICE RECORD revealed by NASA Earth Observatory, 11 October 2012. The recent record decrease in sea ice in Arctic Ocean has received widespread publicity, but at the other end of the world there was also a sea ice record being set. NASA reports: “Two weeks after a new record was set in the Arctic Ocean for the least amount of sea ice coverage in the satellite record, the ice surrounding Antarctica reached its annual winter maximum—and set a record for a new high. Sea ice extended over 19.44 million square kilometers (7.51 million square miles) in 2012, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). The previous record of 19.39 million kilometers (7.49 million square miles) was set in 2006”. The article is accompanied by a map of the ice surrounding the Antarctic continent September 26, 2012, “when ice covered more of the Southern Ocean than at any other time in the satellite record”. Satellite images of the Arctic and Antarctic regions have been used since 1979 to monitor the amount of sea ice and over that period there has been a downward trend in Arctic ice, but an upward trend in Antarctic ice. The increase is not evenly distributed around Antarctica with some areas gaining ice and others losing it. Sea ice scientists Claire Parkinson and Donald Cavalieri of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center commented in an article in The Cryosphere, 6, 871-880, 2012: “The strong pattern of decreasing ice coverage in the Bellingshausen/Amundsen Seas region and increasing ice coverage in the Ross Sea region is suggestive of changes in atmospheric circulation”.
Links: NASA, The Cryosphere Creation Research.

When Autumn Comes Can Winter Be Far Behind?
