Thursday, November 29, 2012

Shut Tha Sen Up Blur, Tha Knose Nowt!

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair warned that it would be 'a monumental error of statesmanship' for Britain to turn its back on EuropeTony Blair says being Eurosceptic is like a virus and the Tories have ‘got it really bad’
The former Prime Minister used a Chatham House speech to admit Britain could leave the European Union but it would be 'hugely destructive' of long term interests.
Telegraph Reuters Mail Express IHT Independent
Apologies to readers with finer feelings but sometimes argument and debate just doesn't seem worth the effort where some people are concerned.

Many Similar Warnings Have Been Ignored.

  Douglas Murray . Mass immigration is killing Europe – and the  political class  just don’t care. I warned nearly a decade ago that our Con...