Friday, November 30, 2012

Whither UKIP? "Neither Left Nor Right."

These are the words of Nigel Farage lauding UKIP.
Certainly, that is what people want and the wide body of people who vote certainly are fed up with PC and the shenanigans of the left.
The Tory party today is a liberal left party which has retained some toryism in its economic policies.
Three leftist parties means that we are in the rather odd position at Westminster of having no real political centre at all - with the exception of random, small handfuls of MPs.
It really is quite bizarre.
If UKIP are the true centre of politics - which I believe us to be - we must settle to the right of the failed trio.
(Remember when Conservatives used to be just to the right of centre?)
Voters would clearly welcome a party which is NOT Tory but does cover that position in politics which that party chose to abandon.
So many voters who categorically refuse to vote tory are actually centre right in their opinions.
I believe this group represents the majority opinion in this country.

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