Saturday, December 01, 2012

The Parable Of The Sower: 4 Grounds Explained.

In the Parable Of The Sower, we see an assessment of Mankind in four distinct categories:

1) Spiritual losers - always were - always will be. They have been offered 'a pearl' and are not spiritually capable of accepting it.
These are represented by the path.

2) These have just enough spiritual nous to recognise how good the offer is - but are simply unable to persist from the earliest of stages.
They are the stoney/rocky ground.

3) Then we have the saddest of all. They accept; they persist; they persevere but eventually allow themselves to be distracted.
These are represented by soil with added weeds/thorns.

4) Hallelujah for the good soil which stands for those who delight, accept and persevere to the end!

Elephantine Tragedies.