Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Daily Mail.

If their 'Comments' sections online on anti-UKIP newspaper articles have any validity - The Mail might be well advised to switch its support from tories to UKIP.
Clearly, the vast majority of their readership would approve of that, so it seems.

UKIP Shock!

After MASSIVE scrutiny, the media and the tories have found that at least 99.7% of Ukip candidates do not have any skeletons in the cupboard! (The figure may be higher if those suspended candidates who are claiming to have had accounts 'trolled' were telling the truth.)


Boris has claimed that Nigel Farage is 'a tory'.
Just how low can these people descend with their smears?

Saint Augustine.

Dirty Tricks Make Tory/Ukip Coalition Impossible.

Nigel Farage has oft-times made clear his distaste for any future alliance with the tories.
He has also made it abundantly clear that in the highly unlikely event of an alliance even being considered - David Cameron would be a total stumbling block to that proposal.
NOW however, following the dirty tricks campaign of the last week by the tories, I feel that there is now an unbridgeable chasm between the two parties for many years into the future!
Friday morning will show us just how successful the smears have been.


Iranian-American Pastor Saeed Abedini with his wife, Naghmeh, and his two children. While
 Hundreds Participate in Idaho March for Pastor Saeed Abedini
By Anugrah Kumar
More than 250 people participated in a charity rally in Nampa, Idaho, and raised money to show support for U.S. Pastor Saeed Abedini, who is in jail in Iran and has been tortured because of his Christian faith.


The Times recently reported on its front page that Labour leader Ed Miliband is facing fierce internal dissent amid claims that top positions on the party’s list of candidates for the European Parliament are being “stitched up” for union-backed candidates. Times

Commercial Christian Music.

Most Christian music today really isn't all that good. I can put up with that provided we are careful and selective in what we use because a small percentage ain't at all bad!
What really sticks in my craw however, is that reverential or holy tone which is put on so often - it is one seldom heard in any Church but suddenly appears at the first sight of recording equipment!
It is the artificiality which gets me - it is not a good witness.

Richard Littlejohn On Ken Clarke.

Clarke fervently believes Britain should be run by foreigners. He is in favour of our laws being made in Brussels by people we didn’t elect.
He is quite happy to surrender what remains of our national sovereignty and open our borders to all-comers, even if that means a housing crisis, public services at breaking point and itinerant Romanian beggars using Hyde Park Corner as a public toilet.
Ken thinks our courts should be subordinate to foreign judges, many of them from countries which until fairly recently were totalitarian Communist dictatorships.
If he’d had his way a few years ago Britain would now be chained to the euro and our dire economic predicament would be ten times worse than it is already.
So passionate is he about a European superstate that he couldn’t even be bothered to read the Maastricht Treaty before it was signed into British law.
You might think that neglecting to inspect the small print was a bit of a shortcoming in someone who trained as a lawyer and went on to become Lord Chancellor.
But Ken’s not the kind of person to let the small print get in the way of a Big Idea. He even thinks turning Britain into a safe haven for international terrorists is a price worth paying for his principles.

New Morality? - No Thanks!

Journalists FINALLY Admit ....

 "......But recent polls suggest UKIP has taken support from all the main parties."

I have been stating this much ignored fact for several years!


Yeehah. Well Done Iceland!

Iceland’s centre-right Independence and Progressive parties have emerged as the winners of Saturday’s parliamentary elections, with each winning 19 seats in the 63 seat parliament, ending four years of a centre-left coalition. Both parties oppose Iceland’s membership of the euro and the EU.WSJ EUobserver Euractiv FAZ

Mail + Tory Attacks Fail. New, Bitter Anti-Ukip Tactics Below:

Vote Farage, get Labour, PM warns the waverers: As 'clowns' attack backfires, a last ditch bid to head off UKIP threat
Labour joins the Tories in move to squeeze UKIP out of leader's TV debates. Mail.
Labour leader Ed Miliband now fears UKIP's 'brand of anti-politics could damage all three main parties in unpredictable ways' - instead of just harming the Tories' chances at forthcoming elections. Mail.
Are the LibLabCon rattled, or what? The votes Ukip lose will hopefully be counterbalanced by the lipsmacking 'oxygen of publicity'.

No Shame.

Time To Reverse ALL Anti-Global Warming Actions?

, Iceland --- Jokulsarlon Glacier Lake --- Image by Micha Pawlitzki/CorbisThe next big freeze could last 250 years: Experts say Sun's activity wanes every 200 years - and the next 'cooling period' is due by 2040
Russian scientists say that the Sun's activity temporarily wanes and emits less heat every 200 years. The last time this happened was between 1650 and 1850, a period known as the little ice age. Mail

Monday, April 29, 2013

A Boston Bombing On A Regular Basis?


Source Of Help.

Crying Again!

A CONVICTED rapist and paedophile is to receive damages paid by taxpayers after a European court found his human rights had been breached.
Somali Mustafa Abdi, who was sentenced to eight years in jail in 1998 for rape and indecency with a child, was unlawfully detained for two-and-a-half years as he awaited deportation, the European Courts of Human Rights said.The Strasbourg court found this to be a breach of his right to liberty and has ordered the Government to pay E1,500 (£1,277) in damages and E7,000 (£5,960) for his lawyers’ costs and expenses.Abdi, who was born in 1975 and is detained in HMP Brixton, arrived in the UK in 1995 and, although refused asylum, was granted exceptional leave to remain in the UK until February 2000.While serving his sentence in 2002, the then home secretary, David Blunkett, ordered Abdi’s deportation and issued an authority for detention until the making of a deportation order.In April 2004, Mr Blunkett authorised Abdi’s detention until his deportation.

Trust Me: I'm A Scientist!

A scientist who favours a moratorium on pesticide usage made an impassioned and logical plea on the steam radio this morning.
Sadly, he totally undermined his own arguments by claiming that the government should act in a particular way because 'scientists were telling them to do so.'
Oh dear. The god-complex is kicking in again, I see. We have reached a point where operational scientists are the only ones we dare trust. The theoretical guys have cried wolf far too often!

Irreducible Complexity.

One of the most important concepts that one must employ when questioning Darwinist theory in the light of scientific discoveries is without a doubt the criterion that Darwin himself employed. In The Origin of Species, Darwin put forward a number of concrete criteria suggesting how his theory might be tested and, if found wanting, disproved. Many passages in his book begin, "If my theory be true," and in these Darwin describes the discoveries his theory requires. One of the most important of these criteria concerns fossils and "transitional forms." In earlier chapters, we examined how these prophecies of Darwin's did not come true, and how, on the contrary, the fossil record completely contradicts Darwinism.
In addition to these, Darwin gave us another very important criterion by which to test his theory. This criterion is so important, Darwin wrote, that it could cause his theory to be absolutely broken down:
If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find out no such case. 348
We must examine Darwin's intention here very carefully. As we know, Darwinism explains the origin of life with two unconscious natural mechanisms: natural selection and random changes (in other words, mutations). According to Darwinist theory, these two mechanisms led to the emergence of the complex structure of living cells, as well as the anatomical systems of complex living things, such as eyes, ears, wings, lungs, bat sonar and millions of other complex system designs.
However, how is it that these systems, which possess incredibly complicated structures, can be considered the products of two unconscious natural effects? At this point, the concept Darwinism applies is that of "reducibility." It is claimed that these systems can be reduced to very basic states, and that they may have then developed by stages. Each stage gives a living thing a little more advantage, and is therefore chosen by natural selection. Then, later, there will be another small, chance development, and that too will be preferred because it affords an advantage, and the process will go on in this way. Thanks to this, according to the Darwinist claim, a species which originally possessed no eyes will come to possess perfect ones, and another species which was formerly unable to fly, will grow wings and be able to do so.
This story is explained in a very convincing and reasonable manner in evolutionist sources. But when one goes into it in a bit more detail, a great error appears. The first aspect of this error is a subject we have already studied in earlier pages of this book: Mutations are destructive, not constructive. In other words, chance mutations that occur in living creatures do not provide them any "advantages," and, furthermore, the idea that they could do this thousands of times, one after the other, is a dream that contradicts all scientific observations.
But there is yet another very important aspect to the error. Darwinist theory requires all the stages from one point to another to be individually "advantageous." In an evolutionary process from A to Z (for instance, from a wingless creature to a winged one), all the "intermediate" stages B, C, D, …V, W, X, and Y along the way have to provide advantages for the living thing in question. Since it is not possible for natural selection and mutation to consciously pick out their targets in advance, the whole theory is based on the hypothesis that living systems can be reduced to discrete traits that can be added on to the organism in small steps, each of which carries some selective advantage. That is why Darwin said, "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."
Given the primitive level of science in the nineteenth century, Darwin may have thought that living things possess a reducible structure. But twentieth century discoveries have shown that many systems and organs in living things cannot be reduced to simplicity. This fact, known as "irreducible complexity," definitively destroys Darwinism, just as Darwin himself feared. Darwinrefuted.com

The Lindisfarne Gospels.

3 Million Jobs: Yesterday Clegg Repeated The Old Lie To Andrew Neill.

'Ukip want to jeopardise 3 million jobs'.
Please read:


The Mail Should Be Profoundly Ashamed.

The Tory thinking of the Mail in particular, has resulted in concerted, vicious and verminous attacks on my party as local elections draw ever closer.
They fail to recognise that some candidates with a BNP past have LIED through their teeth and made false declarations in order to stand as candidates; they give NO credit when we kick them out; they misconstrue what an MEP has said IN FAVOUR OF WOMEN as being opposed to them; they are trying their utmost to belittle.
If The Mail thinks that this will bring back tory voters to the fold - they are badly mistaken.
What they will do is to put off a few who fall for propaganda from OTHER parties!

Lies & Smears And You-Know-Who!

Ken ClarkeUKIP voters are racists, says Clarke: Minister in 'clowns' jibe as Tories declare war on Farage's party
Voters who back the UK Independence Party are racists and its politicians are clowns, Cabinet minister Ken Clarke claimed yesterday. Mail.
Ah. I wondered where he had gone. I shall be checking as to whether his comments are libellous or not.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Interview Cancelled On Radio 5 Live.

Records Tumble.

Dear Readers - great news! This Blog has had more 'hits' in

April 2013 than ever before - and after only 28 days of the month.
My thanks to you for coming to this haven of common sense and I ask that you please pass the URL for this site onto all the right-thinking people you know with a recommendation.
Ta, muchly!

Judge Jonathan Perkins Earns An Award.

Hey up your honour, here is your LoonyTunesWatch Coconut!


A word which is anathema to the left - because it has overtones of the kind of democracy which they do not care for! You know - the one where the people have a real voice.
(Vox populi.)

Peter Hitchens.

Peter Hitchens - the only writer to write as much sense as I do - well nearly.
(If that piece of tongue-in-cheekiness doesn't get me called 'arrogant' - dunno what will! But if it is only from the liberal left - then who gives tuppence?)

C of E Double Standards.

Church of England gives blessing to recognising civil partnerships.

THE Church of England has given a green light to wedding-style services for couples in civil partnerships  despite its official opposition to same-sex marriage.


Punctuated Equlibrium? - A Non-Starter!

Do Not Have Cause For Regret - Give Your Life To Jesus TODAY.

North Korea.

North Korean church leaders are asking Christians worldwide to pray for their country, as Pyongyang renews its threats of nuclear strikes against the United States.
In a secret letter that was smuggled out of the country, underground Christians describe the warlike atmosphere that has gripped their nation. According to a local Christian leader, "The military army, navy, air force troops, strategic rocket troops, red guards and red youth guards are already in combat mode. Urgent meetings are being held everywhere, regardless if it is day or night. At those meetings officials make decisions on what needs to happen in case war breaks out, and everyone, including women, needs to be combat ready."
Local sources report that leader Kim Jong-Un has released a statement to his people, saying "If war breaks out because of the actions of the US and puppet South Korean's unpardonable behaviour, they will end up with a disgraceful downfall and our people will greet a brilliant new day of reunification. The day has come to show off the power of 'Military First' and our great nation to the whole world."
Christians and other citizens, however, are fearful of war and its consequences. "Many people are in a hurry to purchase emergency food supplies and daily goods just in case. The prices of goods, including food, are skyrocketing."
North Korean believers are grateful for the support of their family worldwide and request their urgent prayers. "I would like to thank the many brothers and sisters around the world for their continuous love and support," says a local contact. "We know that our journey will not be an easy one, but we are sure that our faith, desperate hope and passionate desire will someday bear many fruits.
"No matter how difficult life is for us, we never blame or complain about our circumstances. God has promised us in the Bible that if we seek His Kingdom first, all other things will be given to us as well. Please pray for us."
Source: Open Doors, BBC News

The Full Armour Of God - A Different Reminder.

Another Tory Promise Which Does Not Deliver.

Justice Minister Chris Grayling Justice Minister Chris Grayling has been accused of going back on his pledge as it is revealed a new defence of 'disproportionate force' will not apply in many cases. Mail

Midwives Win Their Case.

Victory for midwives in landmark abortion conscience case

Two Catholic midwives have won the right to be exempt from involvement in abortion procedures following a ruling by an appeal court in Scotland.
Judges in Edinburgh ruled that Mary Doogan (58) and Concepta Wood (52) could lawfully refuse to supervise and assist staff involved in abortions under the conscience opt-out clause of the 1967 Abortion Act.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Abortion's Anniversary - 45 Years Of Unmitigated Butchery.

45th years ago today (27th April), the UK's Abortion Act came into effect. Since then, around 8 million babies have lost their lives as a result.
The loss of so many little human lives grieves God's heart.
We as a nation have allowed these lives to be taken. Many, many people have been directly affected.
Let's take the opportunity to turn to the Lord in prayer, repent of our apathy, ask for His forgiveness and plead with Him mercifully to bring change and healing in our nation. Christian Concern.

Religious Freedoms? - There Must Be A Catch.

http://christianconcern.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=bed173cc9adfcad1e0e442a35&id=542e0fc7fc&e=1cccfc6b93Council of Europe tells Member States to accommodate religious beliefs.

In an encouraging development, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has passed an important resolution.

The resolution calls on the 47 Member states to:
“accommodate religious beliefs in the public sphere by guaranteeing freedom of thought in relation to health care, education and the civil service provided that the rights of others to be free from discrimination are respected and that the access to lawful services is guaranteed”.
It also called on States to“ensure the right to well-defined conscientious objection in relation to morally sensitive matters.”
This is good news which should help countries like the UK which are seeking the adoption of ‘reasonable accommodation’ as a sensible means of resolving growing instances of ‘clash of rights’ cases involving Christian identity.

Nigeria - Please Pray.

NIGERIA - Militants kill unarmed youths.
Release partner Stefanos Foundation reports that Fulani militants killed seven unarmed youths in Imande Dem, which is in the Guma local government area of Benue state.
The youths, who were ethnic Tiv, a predominantly Christian group native to Benue, had reportedly been trying to recover the bodies of two others who had allegedly been killed previously by the same Fulanis.
Also on Monday, an attack in Jol, which is south of Jos city in Plateau state, left ten people dead, Stefanos said.
Release Int.

Loony Minister Alert!

EXCLUSIVE: TRANSPORT Minister Stephen Hammond's demand to bring Commons wages in line with highly-paid professionals is branded ‘ludicrous’ by TaxPayers’ Alliance. Sun.

The Guardian On Euroscepticism.

Do We Believe Him?

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls said the £1 billion scheme would see 130,000 people out of work for more than two years offered posts on at least the minimum wage. But they face losing benefits if they refuse to take the jobs. (Huffington Post)

The Euro - A Longterm, Dangerous Farce

In an interview with the WSJ, Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann warned that overcoming the eurozone crisis could take up to a decade.
WSJ CityAM WSJ 2 WSJ 3 EUobserver


Switzerland re-imposes curbs on EU workers
Switzerland is imposing quotas on permits for EU citizens to live and work
on its territory despite objections from Brussels.

You know what? - THEY CAN!

What Actually Are My Politics?

Primarily, I am: a Christian evangelical, democratic, anti-socialist and anti-politically correct populist who strongly opposes the EU.
On the political spectrum itself: I am a non-tory, Gladstonian liberal, centre right, lukewarm monarchist who occasionally glances interestedly towards libertarianism but finds an absence of congruency with my faith.


Only A Christian CAN Love Jesus.

The Impossibility of Loving Jesus Before Conversion

No one loves Jesus before he gets converted. No one. That's because only the Holy Spirit dwelling on the inside of you can give you a love for Jesus Christ. It is impossible to have that love without the work of the Spirit. Period. Christian Post.

Habeas Corpus: Abe May Have Been Right But It Is Still Necessary.

'More rogues than honest men find shelter under habeas corpus.' Abraham Lincoln.

Trumpet Call.

Saturday 15 June 2013This is your personal invitation to The Trumpet Call 2013 at THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE, BIRMINGHAM on Saturday 15 June 2013. We are calling Christians around The British Isles & Ireland to a day to pray for our nations.
As this call goes out, we at world Prayer Centre, along with many others, sense an urgency about the importance of this day. Our nations are in increasing turmoil as we observe the consequences of ungodly decisions made both in the past and by our National leaders today. Decisions that not only affect us, but will also affect generations to come.

We are encouraging you to come with others from your area, or come with a whole group from your church, your small group, your neighbourhood group, but come together with others.
The day will start at 11:00am (doors open at 9:30am) and will run through until 5:00pm with an hour break for lunch between 1:00pm and 2:00pm

Tickets £10

25's & under £5

To book YOUR TICKETS click here

WPC Ticket Hotline: 0121 633 7393

How To Annoy A Liberal?

Ukip Blocks Several 'Dodgy Candidates' And ...

... today it is the Telegraph which is using it as a stick to beat the party!
Why are you pilloried for doing the right thing?


SCREAM! - We Have Millions Of Our Own Citizens Unemployed Here!

the EU Employment and Social Affairs Commissioner Laszlo Andor wants stronger European countries to invite jobless from elsewhere EU tells Britain: Make it easier for jobless migrants to find work
The EU employment and social affairs commissioner Laszlo Andor (pictured) said that states with higher employment figures should take in the jobless from less fortunate countries. Mail.
What I would like to tell this man to do is simply unprintable - he and his toxic organisation both!

Intolerance Of Others: Can We Be Surprised?

Children who are given anti-racism lessons in school are more likely to be intolerant outside the classroom, a major study found yesterday!Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2315483/How-anti-racism-lesson-INCREASE-pupil-intolerance-They-cause-animosity-cultures.html#ixzz2RdmrafZ5

Friday, April 26, 2013


"Pray - and let God do the worrying."

The Death Penalty For Acts Of Terror.

Of course, when I heard about the Boston atrocity, my first thought was that Massachusetts does not have a death penalty. My second was to wonder if this case would be prosecuted under federal law.
I was relieved to see that this would indeed be the case.
The do-gooding element would no doubt throw up hands in horror 'that a Christian could support such an abomination based on revenge.'
Before even attacked, I shall defend myself:
1) It is utterly immoral that any person should be permitted to  take the lives of others on a whim, by means of purest evil, without their own life ever being threatened.
2) Any penalty less than death for such a crime is effectively condoning the act.
3) Any penalty less than death, devalues those lives lost.
4) Retribution is called for. Retribution is neutral - revenge is personal. (Why does the figure of Justice wear a blindfold - we may reasonably ask?)
5) Righteousness depends on justice being fully accomplished.
6) Any penalty less than death shows weakness to both criminals and the terminally evil alike.
7) God demands action. 'He who sheds the blood of man - by man shall his blood be shed.' Gen: 9:6
8) Jesus Himself said that 'He had NOT come to abolish the Law.'
9) The USA shames the European Union which has removed even the possibility of vindication where acts of evil have been committed.
10) There really is no other reasonable or logical, moral position.
Long may the USA retain capital punishment.

Ex-Transport Minister John Spellar.

Labour needs to wake up to the threat posed by UKIP or risk losing seats in next week’s council elections, a senior MP has warned.
Ex-Transport Minister John Spellar claims UKIP could dent Labour’s chances of regaining control of county councils, particularly in the North and the Midlands.
Mr Spellar said Nigel Farage’s UKIP reminded him of the Liberal Democrats in the 1990s when they started to win seats in the North.
He said: “At first they took Tory seats in areas like Sheffield Hallam and the threat to Labour was perceived to be minimal.
"Yet our failure to take the Liberals seriously saw them take control of a number of previously strong Labour councils. It took us years to win them back.” Mirror.
Excellent - they're runnin' scared!

My Brilliant Solution To Jobs Shortage.

Why not import hundreds of thousands of Bulgarians and Romanians?
If that doesn't do the trick - I've no idea what will!

Prison? - Me? No Way!

http://www.pmnw.co.uk/    Pretty good stuff.

Ready To Die?

Well, It's Only Taxpayers' Money!

[Investigation] Gaza's gas: EU millions up in smoke - 24/04/2013 09:45:37
The European Union has misspent €250 million on energy in Gaza, amid a swirl of British, Israeli, Palestinian and US business interests.

Leftwing And Christian?

If you think that 'Jesus was nice - ergo Christianity is summed up by being nice ourselves' - you may well be a so-called leftwing or liberal christian who hasn't read enough to understand the real Jesus.
('Liberal Christian' is the greatest, illogical oxymoron.)
If this is your category, you will probably major on 'God's forgiveness being guaranted for all' and you will conveniently forget that this is 100% conditional.
You will see God as a smiling, indulgent parent who did not give commandments but helpful suggestions.
You will fail to grasp Christian moral issues and will always take a man-based view of life and will be incapable of seeing the world through God's eyes.
You will have no sense of the fact that righteousness and mercy do not cancel each other out.

God Is Not A Liberal - Why Pretend He Is?

1 Corinthians 16:22
"If anyone does not love The Lord - a curse be on him."

Best Sport Of 'Em All.

On Easter Saturday, I was in New Orleans and was delighted to drive past a CRICKET match in full swing. Well done Louisiana!


Hmm. Not Entirely Unfair.

UKIP - The Only Party To Refuse Former BNP Members.

Yesterday, Susan Bowen, from Boscastle in Cornwall, was dumped as a Ukip candidate in elections to the county council after it emerged she had once been a member of the BNP.
It is noteworthy that the media are trying desperately to use this woman's history against the party which I find reprehensible.
Ukip are fielding 1,700 candidates - more than the Lib Dems - and it is clearly impossible to know the entire life history of every candidate.
When 'bad apples' are discovered - they kick 'em out!
Sounds entirely reasonable to me!
Nigel Farage said: ’We have made people sign declaration forms, expressing the fact that they’ve never been part of political parties that we consider to be wholly undesirable. By that I mean the BNP.
’And, you know, we ask people if there is a problem with a criminal record or whatever else it may be, please tell us.
’I have no doubt that amongst those 1,700 one or two people will have slipped through the net that we’d rather not have had.’
The Mail has turned against Ukip as the council elections approach. Even though I note its points fairly regularly - we must never forget that ultimately, it is a tory rag!

Labour: Neither Choice Is A Good Option But...

Apparently, of the 42 candidates selected as Labour candidates, 23 have union links and some clearly see this as a very bad thing.
I am not so sure that it is as bad as having glib leftist lawyers who are career politicians and have been thus since university - people who have precious little experience of real life.
Give me the choice between a raw leftwinger and a liberal left political correctness-monger, I think I'll take the former!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Congratulations To UKIP.

Prompt action has been taken against a council candidate who allegedly made anti-semitic statements online.
Interestingly, the lady concerned claims to have been 'trolled'.
(Very 'dirty' tactics against Ukip have certainly been used before.)
Whichever happens to be the truth, Mr Farage has acted appropriately, honourably and rapidly.
There are sufficient Jewish people in Ukip for anti-semitism to be totally unsustainable.

Hooray, Hooray, It's Penguin Awareness Day!


Guardian Highlights EU Realities!

Crisis for Europe as trust hits record low.

EU flagsPoll in European Union's six biggest countries finds Euroscepticism is soaring amid bailouts and spending cuts
The poll found a vertiginous decline in trust in the EU in countries that were traditionally pro-European. Photograph: Ian Waldie/Getty Images
Public confidence in the European Union has fallen to historically low levels in the six biggest EU countries, raising fundamental questions about its democratic legitimacy more than three years into the union's worst ever crisis, new data shows.
After financial, currency and debt crises, wrenching budget and spending cuts, rich nations' bailouts of the poor, and surrenders of sovereign powers over policymaking to international technocrats, Euroscepticism is soaring to a degree that is likely to feed populist anti-EU politics and frustrate European leaders' efforts to arrest the collapse in support for their project.
Figures from Eurobarometer, the EU's polling organisation, analysed by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), a thinktank, show a vertiginous decline in trust in the EU in countries such as Spain, Germany and Italy that are historically very pro-European.
The six countries surveyed – Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Spain, and Poland – are the EU's biggest, jointly making up more than two out of three EU citizens or around 350 million of the EU's 500 million population.
The findings, published exclusively in the Guardian in Britain and in collaboration with other leading newspapers in the other five countries, represent a nightmare for Europe's leaders, whether in the wealthy north or in the bailout-battered south, suggesting a much bigger crisis of political and democratic legitimacy.
EU lack of trust Credit: Guardian graphics "The damage is so deep that it does not matter whether you come from a creditor, debtor country, euro would-be member or the UK: everybody is worse off," said José Ignacio Torreblanca, head of the ECFR's Madrid office. "Citizens now think that their national democracy is being subverted by the way the euro crisis is conducted."

Miracles Today?

UKIP Explains The Disaster Which Is The EU.

The EU is a fraud on ALL Europeans.
The European Union seemed a good idea in the 1970s but it’s gone very, very wrong. Brussels has become a bureaucratic monster, strangling us all in red tape and massive waste. It’s not just Britain that wants out of the EU. Many other Europeans would vote to leave, if given the chance.

The EU costs Britain £50 million a day

It costs around £50 million a day to be a member of the EU but the benefits are few and hard to justify when we're already deep in debt. We're actually borrowing money to pay for membership! AND we’re being asked to bail out the Eurozone, even though we aren’t in the Euro.

The EU means lower wages

Open borders have brought cheap labour, lower wages and more unemployment to Britain. And increased crime. It’s also bad – and very sad - for the countries which people leave behind. Many big businesses favour the EU because it means a lower wage bill. But small businesses don’t benefit; they struggle to comply with endless EU regulations and red tape.
We have no control over immigration
Last year we had more arrivals than ever before (239,000 - that we know of!). Almost 500 million EU citizens are entitled to work, live and claim benefits in the UK. Britain no longer has control over her borders. This is driving unemployment up and wages down. It is causing enormous strains on housing, schools and hospitals. Britain’s borders are now effectively North Africa, Russia and Turkey; not the White Cliffs of Dover.
LINK 8The 1975 referendum was a trick
Britain voted 'yes' for a ‘Common Market’ in the 1975 referendum but it was a trick. People had no idea they were voting for the loss of British Sovereignty and a vast bureaucracy in Brussels, now making over 70% of our laws. British MPs have little say on many issues. Unelected Brussels Commissioners have much more power than our own MPs. And of the 27 EU Commissioners, at least eight are ex-Communists.

Don’t be fooled; it’s a Lib Lab Con
Conservatives, Labour and the LibDems are still fully behind this deceit. Click the link below to see David Cameron telling you all about the problems of the EU in June 2009 and why you needed to vote Conservative for a referendum. It was a stunning lie. On the 24th of October 2011, British Government whips bullied MPs to vote against a referendum, demanded by the public, in a 100,000 signature petition. Labour and LibDems followed suit.
•LINK 11
The Euro has failed, we said it would
Many British politicians wanted Britain to join the Euro. The Liberal Democrats still do. Countries which adopted the Euro are now in dire straits. Greece is ruined. Irish homeowners are almost £1 billion in negative equity. Italy has been downgraded. Spain is at risk. Bailouts for the struggling Eurozone countries threaten the entire world banking system. And now the EU is begging for loans from China; that won’t work either.
•LINK 12 •LINK 13
Your hard earned tax money… gone

Millions goes missing in Brussels. The EU has made millionaires out of failed politicians. MPs' expenses scandals are nothing compared to the scams and dodges that make your money disappear, including private flights, limousines, five star hotels. The EU has still not found a firm of auditors willing to sign off its accounts. Don’t take our word for it, go to Brussels, see for yourself.

•LINK 14
We would be MUCH better off OUT
Don’t believe the scare stories about ‘being on the outside’ when we leave the EU. Switzerland and Norway are not members but they still trade hugely with the EU. They also have the highest standards of living in Europe. Britain already trades with the world, Europe only accounts for 9% of world trade and anyway, geographical proximity to markets nowadays is almost irrelevant.
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The UK already trades with the world

The UK is the world’s sixth largest economy. Most of our trade is outside the EU, with the Far East, Middle East, the USA and the Commonwealth. By contrast, the EU is in decline and deep in debt. We buy more from the EU than it buys from us and it badly needs our business.

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Our financial capital under attack

London is one of the most important financial centres in the world, which is why the EU wants a slice of it. Taxes raised from London are one of our biggest and most vital sources of national income, presently around £52 billion a year. But the EU wants to impose a ‘financial transaction tax’ on The City, which will simply drive businesses away, to other centres outside the EU. 50,000 jobs are at stake. They say it will only be a small percentage but remember VAT to fund the EEC started at 5%, it is now 20%
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EU mandarin madness…

The new EU Diplomatic Service, with an annual budget of £8 billion, duplicates existing national embassies around the world. There will soon be EU missions in Barbados (46 lucky staff), Burkina Faso in Africa and Vanuatu in the Pacific. EU money already subsidises French colonies in South America and several Caribbean islands. The effective head of the EU Diplomatic Service, Labour’s Baroness Ashton, is the highest paid female politician in the world, on £328,000 a year, that’s more than Hilary Clinton.

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Renegotiate terms? Not a chance

The Conservatives say they will ‘rebalance’ our relationship with the EU by ‘repatriating' powers back to British control. It’s a lie. Under the Maastricht Treaty (1992) the entire 170,000 pages of EU law and regulations must be accepted in full by all member states. We cannot even stop the nonsense of ‘votes for prisoners’ in our jails. We are just one voice in an assembly of 27 countries and we lose every time.

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The EU reduces our rights and libert
Under an EU law pushed through in 2005 by Liberal Democrat MEP Sir Graham Watson, you can now be arrested and deported to any EU country without any evidence being presented to a British court. In 2010, Conservative Home Secretary Theresa May voluntarily opted-in to the European Investigation Order, enabling foreign police to tap your phone, take your DNA and look into your bank account.

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Compulsory pro-EU lessons in schools?

The Education act 1966 states that if anyone presents information in a school that is of a political nature, a balancing presentation must be made. Yet the European Parliament has just voted in favour of compulsory teaching of the 'advantages' of EU membership in schools (a7-0293/2011). They've also just spent €15 million on an EU 'history' centre and describe the First and Second World Wars as 'civil wars'.
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The EU did not bring peace to Europe

The idea of a single European state came about after the Second World War, when politicians thought we could prevent wars by eradicating sovereign states. Yet the EU failed to stop genocide in the Balkans and today the folly of the Euro is the direct cause of massive strains in Europe. The overwhelming defeat of fascism in 1945 and the creation of NATO were, and still are, the real guarantors of peace in Europe.

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The British people want out of the EU

Every survey points to a big majority wanting to leave the EU. Independent polls average around 65% of people wanting out. A recent Daily Telegraph online poll received a total of 6,495 votes in just four days. 6,021 voted for a ‘trade only’ relationship with the EU. That’s a staggering 93%. The Spectator magazine organised a debate at the Royal Geographical Society in September. 81% of 580 people voted ‘to leave the EU’ after a detailed debate with speakers from both sides of the argument.
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At least give the people a referendum!

The EU has changed so radically since inception, it is vital that British people should be given a say on whether they really want what the EU has become. In the October 24, 2011 Referendum debate, 79 Conservative MPs defied intense pressure from party whips and voted for referendum, 2 abstained. 19 Labour MPs defied the party line and just one LibDem MP. The Green MP Caroline Lucas, Lady Hernon and 8 Democratic Unionist MPs also voted for a referendum. If this had been a ‘free vote’, Britain could now be looking forward, at least to a referendum.
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UKIP is NOT anti-European!
We're not anti-European! We love Europe! Europe is a rich tapestry of cultures, history and languages. It has always resisted bureaucratic uniformity, long may it continue; vive la difference! We respect the rights of sovereign states and their peoples to democratically determine their own futures, to live in peace and harmony whilst trading with each other. We're already working with other democratic, freedom loving organisations, like ours, across Europe.

It’s not just UKIP calling for a referendum…
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To take power back by leaving the EU.

To take back the right to control who can come into the country.

To put the UK first.

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