Friday, April 26, 2013

UKIP - The Only Party To Refuse Former BNP Members.

Yesterday, Susan Bowen, from Boscastle in Cornwall, was dumped as a Ukip candidate in elections to the county council after it emerged she had once been a member of the BNP.
It is noteworthy that the media are trying desperately to use this woman's history against the party which I find reprehensible.
Ukip are fielding 1,700 candidates - more than the Lib Dems - and it is clearly impossible to know the entire life history of every candidate.
When 'bad apples' are discovered - they kick 'em out!
Sounds entirely reasonable to me!
Nigel Farage said: ’We have made people sign declaration forms, expressing the fact that they’ve never been part of political parties that we consider to be wholly undesirable. By that I mean the BNP.
’And, you know, we ask people if there is a problem with a criminal record or whatever else it may be, please tell us.
’I have no doubt that amongst those 1,700 one or two people will have slipped through the net that we’d rather not have had.’
The Mail has turned against Ukip as the council elections approach. Even though I note its points fairly regularly - we must never forget that ultimately, it is a tory rag!
