Thursday, March 20, 2014

Farage & UKIP BADLY Misrepresented In The Media.

UKIP has not lent support whatsoever to single sex marriages contrary to whatever might have been published in the media. Please ensure that the truth is spread to all people you know.
I know from the highest reaches of the party that the claim below is neither a cover-up nor a retraction. I must assume all this to have been an act of either consummate stupidity or extreme malice from a mere underling.
 In addition to what Mr Farage has written below I might add that it is my understanding of UKIP policy that contentious moral issues should be settled only by the electorate and not by self-serving politicians.
Nigel Farage said: “UKIP’s objection to same sex marriage was two-fold. First, we did not think it should have been made a political priority at a time of many other pressing issues and pointed out that the measure had no mandate from the electorate.
“Secondly we were concerned that because of the role of the European Court of Human Rights in British law that faith communities which had strong objections were at risk of being forced to conduct gay marriages.
“The statement attributed to me yesterday was not made by me and not approved by me. It was a draft by a staff member that should never have been sent out.
 “There is an ongoing debate within UKIP about how we can protect faith communities from ultimately being compelled to conduct same sex marriages against their beliefs and their will. We note that some gay rights activists are already talking about taking legal action in Strasbourg to force this issue.”

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.