Sunday, October 26, 2014

At The House.

Yesterday, I watched the recording of  At The House, a political programme from the North East and was struck most solidly by the smug arrogance displayed by the LibLabCon towards UKIP.
Are UKIP really 'the flash in the pan' they were all so desperate to claim them to be? Insistence that 'they are just another Referendum Party' scheduled 'to crash and burn as people return to the realities and common sense of the LibLabCon' almost beggared belief.
Of course, voting is a strange area and many things can happen. They may even be right - but their claims that UKIP would be lucky to get 2 seats in May seemed to smack more than a little of ostriches staring intently at a mound of sand - and pondering their next move. Perhaps they were just uniting to sell a lie to the electorate. Maybe it was delusion and wishful thinking. (How could the plebs possibly vote outside our cosy club?)
Labour's Julie Elliott MP promoted the deceit that 'jobs would go by quitting the EU' - well, I had thought that to be a Lib Dem lie well nailed - but no, in spite of Nigel's destruction of Clegg in the debates last spring - up it pops again as they all try to spread fear amongst voters. (Let me say it - it is a lie so enormous that it could actually see an EU Referendum result in a vote to stay in The Evil Empire. (Ne'er let us forget what Hitler had to say about the sizes of lies.) It was depressing. UKIP outnumbered three to one but still emerging the best of the four and with the strongest arguments but being shouted down by the ill-mannered Ms Elliott.
Please, God. UKIP may not be much but their honesty is clear (and so dishonestly misinterpreted and derided) may YOU please oversee the end of the wretched LibLabCon, I pray. I hesitate to pray for the success of one political party as they are filled with sinful human beings and they are not a Christian Party - but please, may they have the opportunity to challenge and remove the rubbish and detritus from our wretched, God-hating political class.

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.