Thursday, October 30, 2014

Calais: Mme Bouchart Receives Sympathy From UKIP's Steven Woolfe MEP.

UKIP's Steven Woolfe MEP rejects claims that Britain
 is to blame for Migrant troubles in Calais
Posted on October 28
Steven Woolfe MEP, the UKIP Immigration spokesman
 has rejected claims that Britain is at fault for the level
 of immigration.
"I can sympathize with Madame Bouchart as she is on
 the frontline of Europe’s migration problem as a locally
 elected official. From her experience it is evident that
 even though Britain has not signed the Schengen
 Agreement, this country is adversely affected by
 the lack of European and French action on migration.
"However, the problem she highlights is not one of the
 British welfare system, but of the way in which it can
 be misused. Welfare in the UK should be there for our
 own citizens, who have paid in, or whose family have
 paid in. It is not something for anybody turning up at
 our borders to be able to access.

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.