Jeremy Corbyn isn’t getting my vote for Labour Party leader. Unlike
former Tory North East Member of the European Parliament Martin Callanan, I
haven’t signed up to the Labour Party to try to obtain one.
In one sense, I welcome the idea that he’d at least put some clear blue
water between Labour and the Conservatives again. How the Labour
Party, from their political perspective, could abstain on the Welfare Bill is
beyond me. Corbyn had the courage to defy the whip and vote
Although I’m UKIP, there are some ‘left-wing’ ideas that I might agree
with; for example, in specific cases where there is a ‘natural monopoly’ I have
some personal sympathy with Corbyn on renationalisation.
The Royal Mail is perhaps the best example of this: the service needs to
be uniform and equally-priced throughout the country. In such cases, the cost
saving from a state monopoly outweighs the cost saving from the efficiency of
But as much as I like the fact that he’s not a typical establishment
politician, there’s much to worry about with Corbyn.
Some of the accusations made against him are fair, others less so. He’s
not only auditioning for the job of leader of the Labour Party, ultimately he’s
auditioning for the job of Prime Minister.
Do the meetings he’s held in Parliament, the views of some of his
supporters, his favourable comments towards Putin’s Russia, or his virulently
anti-Israel comments inspire us to believe that this is a man with the skill,
tact and diplomacy required to be Prime Minister?
Corbyn is a naïve yet probably well-meaning idealist in the old-fashioned
loony left tradition. His recent plans for all-women carriages on trains is a
perfect example. An all-women train carriage begins to label all men as
potential predators. It might stigmatise those women who choose not to ride in
the all-women carriage. It creates a climate of fear, and it cheapens the
problems faced by men who have been assaulted. It suggests that women must hide
from men in order to be safe, fuels fear and sexism.
We don’t need gimmicks, we need every level of society to treat sexual
assaults against women – and men – with the seriousness that they
The Left need to wake up to the fact that segregation is segregation, and
discrimination is discrimination, even when you have a well-meaning idea behind
One of the biggest reasons that Corbyn has an excellent chance of winning
is that, for the moment, people are hearing what they want to hear. That won’t
be the case when he’s doing Prime Minister’s Questions at the despatch
I came across an extreme example of this recently. A friend of mine, who
works in a factory, described a conversation that he had with a colleague. “I’m
voting for that Corbyn guy”, the colleague gushed, “because he’s going to put a
stop to all that immigration”.
“How do you figure that?”, my friend asked. “Well, Labour’s the party of
the working man. And all this immigration is taking jobs away from the working
man in this country. So Corbyn will put a stop to it.” (Corbyn wants more
immigration, not less.)
I like the fact that Corbyn isn’t a cookie-cutter career politician,
repeating platitudes ad nauseam. The trouble for him is, at some point
people will start listening to his message and they may not like what they
The other candidates haven’t exactly covered themselves in glory: Cooper
and Kendall have both had rather insipid campaigns.
Burnham hasn’t impressed in debate and any credible potential Prime
Minister should have instinctively known not to make the comment – reported as
suggesting the ‘time is not right’ for a female Labour
He didn’t quite say that, but he left himself open through a poor choice
of words. So as things stand Corbyn may well win the Labour leadership by
At least politics will be interesting again, and at least people will
have a genuine choice. The polarisation might well play into UKIP hands in
target seats such as Hartlepool, where we came just 3,000 votes short of winning
at the General Election.
But I fear that nationally, Corbyn’s divisive politics may play right
into the hands of the Conservative Party. The Chronicle.
Jonathan Arnott is UKIP MEP for the North