As a Christian, you may well find yourself torn between benevolence
and practicality regarding the criminals lurking in Calais who are attempting
illegal entry into the UK. But yielding to moral blackmail is never something
readily advocated by the Scriptures.
I listened, fists clenched, to a Maud Morris, a short while ago on
Radio Humberside, who was speaking about taking supplies to Calais 'to help
these poor people.'
Naturally, her inspiration had come from: The Guardian, several
leftist trade unions and liberal christian
THIS IS SO WRONG! Reward people for bad behaviour and it sends a
message to others that they can do the same. The
problem then multiplies exponentially. This is NOT an idle
point! Besides - how do we know that these wrongdoers are free of links to
That we agree to accept some genuine refugees,
particularly Christian victims of ISIS is one thing - encouraging illegal
immigration is quite something else.
So why are the left suddenly so 'humane and compassionate?' - The
simple answer is that they are not! The hard left always wants to undermine
society - which is their sole motivation and the dripping-wet left are happy to
go along with it so that they can feel good about themselves!
Believers can only help so many people - let us target and
discriminate to find the legitimately needy cases.