In his July article, Democracy Under Attack, Duncan
Milligan spews forth a typical, leftist diatribe about democracy. The main tenet
of the argument, is that the Tories only received a mandate of 25% from all
those entitled to vote. Not wrong, perhaps, but certainly misleading when you
include the non-voters who must be happy to take whatever is thrown at them -
most because of a couldn't-care-less social attitude.
Strange to relate, there is no applause for a vote on EU
membership; there is no mention of how the views of ordinary people are ignored
when politicians become ensconced at Westminster (think of immigration, crime
& punishment et al); no mention of the EIGHTY THREE EXTRA SEATS which UKIP
should have received but for our wretched FPTP voting system. Sometimes, it is not what you say but what you
leave out, Duncan!