Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Britain will be flattened if it stays in the EU.

https://www.facebook.com/UKIP/photos/a.283591398329424.67830.209101162445115/1032817953406761/?type=3Britain will be flattened if it stays in the EU Posted on October 29  UKIP Leader Nigel Farage has written for today's Telegraph on how the so called "re-negotiation" process shows that those in the EU have no interest in what is best for Britain, only in further EU harmonisation, centralisation and power.
"There is no grand deal on offer for Britain to remain in the EU. The Euro project is a steamroller, and if we remain in, we will be flattened by it.
"Demands that we be allowed to control our borders are now reduced to piddling concessions on how long migrants have to wait before accessing taxpayer-funded welfare benefits. This is what our nation has been reduced to: a grovelling junior member of a German-dominated club. Even by the Government’s own wildly unambitious measure, this renegotiation has been a national embarrassment."

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