Monday, November 02, 2015


In the 2008 series, Biblical Mysteries Explained, a worthy scientific explanation of all the miracles of the exodus is attempted.
Natural explanations, combined with a heartwarming trust in the accuracy of biblical texts and a delivery that was not over patronising made it decent watching.
One tiny point that was neatly avoided, however, was how all of these miracles came and interlocked together.
It is true that a number of the plagues could, theoretically, have been dependent on each other - but how do these link in to the parting of The Red Sea?
Let us allow them to be considered right in HOW God accomplished the great wonders but in excising God from the equation, you are left with a remarkable, random perfection.

Evolutionists may have sufficient faith to believe in what is, in effect, mathematically impossible but that can hardly apply in these tightly determined circumstances. Occam's Razor. God did it!

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.