NEW YORK — At age 12, the concerns of most American children usually
revolve around schoolyard politics and the awkwardness of becoming a teenager,
but for Rifqa Bary, a young girl in Ohio, a life-changing decision to secretly
convert to Christianity completely consumed her world and left her living in
constant fear.
"I was terrified of my parents finding out, and for four years I hid my
faith and my friends were afraid for me," Bary, now 22, told The Christian Post
on Wednesday, a day after the release of her new memoir, Hiding in the Light: Why I risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow
When Bary was 8, her family relocated from Sri Lanka, an Island near
southeast India to the U.S., and first settled in Ohio. It was two devastating
ordeals suffered by Bary that caused her family to flee her homeland and that
would, in essence, lead to her leaving Islam for good.
"... I grew up on a tiny island under India named Sri Lanka and grew up
in an extremely devout and strict home," she said. "There were really two events
that happened that caused the move to occur. One was I was blinded in my right
eye by my brother, accidentally, and then the other was I was sexually violated
by an extended family member."
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