Saturday, December 05, 2015

'Education'. - Perhaps I Should Say 'Brainwashing The Young.'

'When I get married — whether it’s to a man or a woman...’ my 11-year-old niece told her grandpa the other day. But I don’t think she thinks she’s a budding lesbian (would she even know at that age?).
It’s just the way she has been taught to think at her impeccably right-on school in the People’s Republic of Brighton.
It reminded me queasily of another niece’s experiences — this time at an overwhelmingly white, Christian state school in Worcester. Her dad had wanted to know why when she said ‘Mohammed’, she automatically added the phrase ‘Peace Be Upon Him’.
‘Oh, it’s what we’re taught we have to say in RE,’ my niece replied.
Did the schools ever consult us on whether we wanted our children’s heads to be filled with such politically correct bilge?
After 25 years’ ongoing exposure to this nonsense, I suppose I should be used to it by now. My elder son’s headmaster explaining to me airily how it just wasn’t the modern way to punish children for not doing their homework; my daughter coming home with the news that her primary teacher had advised her to ‘go veggie’ for a week; my younger boy being co-opted into some grisly global sustainability club, so that his school could win more eco-star ratings from an EU-sponsored green scheme.
Such indoctrination never fails to irritate. More than that, though, I am genuinely terrified about the kind of havoc these brainwashed mini-revolutionaries may wreak in the future.
Already we’re getting an indication of a new culture across our universities that brooks no dissent against a politically correct view of history, literature and sexuality.
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Now That Sounds Like A Plan.

South Dakota may require Louisiana-style Ten Commandments display in public schools. By  Michael Gryboski , Editor Tuesday, January 14, 2025...