Tuesday, December 08, 2015

I Feel Physically Ill!

Now it’s official — Britain is no longer a Christian society and needs a ‘new settlement for religion in the UK’ recognising our secular multicultural diversity.
‘Socially divisive’ faith schools must be phased out and King Charles III’s coronation should be a multi-faith affair.
That’s the verdict, published with a fanfare yesterday, of the Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life, chaired by the Rt Hon Baroness Butler-Sloss of Marsh Green GBE, the first female Lord Justice of Appeal.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3350396/DAMIAN-THOMPSON-multi-cultural-hand-wringers-sounding-death-knell-Britain-Christian-nation.html#ixzz3th6jvYSN
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Let me explain: 'Socially divisive faith schools' means all Christian but virtually NO moslem schools!
