Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Sunday, January 31, 2016
A VERY Good Question.
Staying in
From: Michael Robinson, Park Lane, Berry Brow, Huddersfield.
CONTINENTAL members of the EU say that they want the UK to remain in the
European Union (The Yorkshire Post, December 19). Why would that be?
Filtering Nuisance Calls.
Read more:
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Irony In The US.
1. We are advised
to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics,
But, We are encouraged
to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.
Funny how that
And another statement for consideration:—
And another statement for consideration:—
2.We constantly hear
about how the Government Old Age Pensioners fund is going to
run out of money.
How come
we never hear
about welfare running out of money?
What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second
3.That Centrelink is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free money ever .... Meanwhile, the National Parks Branch, Asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." The stated reason for this policy is because
What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second
3.That Centrelink is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free money ever .... Meanwhile, the National Parks Branch, Asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." The stated reason for this policy is because
"The animals will grow
dependent on handouts and will not learn to
take care of themselves."
That ends Today's Lesson On Irony.
take care of themselves."
That ends Today's Lesson On Irony.
Small Glass of Double Standards, Anyone?
InterVarsity Answers Why #BlackLivesMatter Was Included, but Pro-Life Group Was Not, at Urbana '15
In an interview with The Christian Post, InterVarsity explained why a
Black Lives Matter representative was included at its Urbana 15 student missions
conference, but a pro-life group was denied an exhibitor application. Christian
Labour Not Telling Anything Like The Whole Truth On EU Funding For Floods!
Jonathan Arnott urges Labour politicians to come clean over EU funding
Published Jan 12, 2016

Jonathan Arnott said "The Labour Party are quick to say the government
should apply for the cash, but in both cases they need to tell the whole truth
and nothing but the truth. The fact is, if we apply for EU funding for either of
these worthwhile causes, the European Union will take two-thirds of the money
off us by reducing our rebate the following year. For every £3 we apply for in
funding, the rules say they will take £1.98 back off us. After considering that
the money comes with strings attached, and the costs of applying for it, it's
really a marginal call whether we should be asking for them to give us some of
our own money back or not.
"We've paid in our taxes to be in the European Union anyway, but if we
apply for some of our own money back, they'll take even more off us the
following year. But it's the most ardent pro-EU politicians who are the most
vocal about requesting this funding. Most of them know perfectly well that most
of the money will be confiscated back off us if we apply for it; it's a
confidence trick designed to make everyone feel that the European Union is on
their side"
Fairbairn On Major.
"More a ventriloquist’s dummy than a Prime
The verdict of Tory MP Sir Nicholas Fairbairn, the
former solicitor who had been in Margaret Thatcher's first Cabinet in
1979. (Cruel but sadly accurate, I fear.)
Bulgaria: Corruption Centre Of EU.
The latest report from Transparency International ranks Bulgaria as
the most corrupt in terms of perception in the entire EU.
What Comprehensivisation Brought Us!
Neil @afneil
OECD rated English teenagers aged 16 to 19 the
worst of 23 developed nations in literacy and 22nd of 23 in
Christians? - Really?
The YouGov survey suggested 45% of Church of England followers felt
same-sex marriage was right, against 37% who believed it wrong.
How can so-called christians have the
effrontery to declare that God is wrong? ''By their fruits you will know
After The Shameful UK Literacy and Numeracy Facts Published This Week ...
... Head of Ofsted tells school leaders a return to the grammar system would be 'economic suicide' for England. (What does he think caused our educational mess?)
I think a LoonyTunesWatch Coconut is called for!
I think a LoonyTunesWatch Coconut is called for!
Proton Beam Cancer Therapy.
Can We Trust Lammy For This?
David Cameron has persuaded the Labour MP for Tottenham to 'defect' by launching a Government investigation into why black people make up such a high proportion of the prison population.
Another Tragic Migrant Child Drowns - Newspaper Photos.
When parents cross the sea from Turkey to illegally enter Europe from an already safe haven, risking the wellbeing of their children - this is NOT our fault. Let the guilt merchants point the finger of blame purely at the source.
Health Tourism.
Got your papers in order? Then welcome to soft touch Britain: Top doctors blow whistle on EU health tourists who bleed NHS dry
European health tourists are milking the NHS for expensive treatments, drugs and dialysis by claiming they are UK residents on the day they arrive in the country, top doctors reveal today. Mail.
Muslims in UK top 3 million for first time... with over 50% born outside Britain: Number in country doubles in a decade as immigration and birth rates soar. I believe that figure to be a gross understatement and their high birthrates mean that this figure will increase disproportionately even in the unlikely event that immigration controls be achieved.
I simply cannot grasp why this situation is so attractive to the left when you consider the gaping chasm in belief between the two parties.Saturday, January 30, 2016
Russian Persecutions.
January 21, 2016
The attackers raided Emmanuel Church in Alexandrov town while the worship
team were rehearsing. Armed with a knife, the men attacked two Christians and
insulted and threatened the others present, demanding a full list of church
members’ names.
Church members suspect the men were nationalists intolerant of
non-Orthodox churches and warn of a ‘dangerous trend’ towards religious
intolerance in Russia.
Their church, which is 75 miles north-east of Moscow, is part of the
Assemblies of God movement which is officially registered in the Vladimir region
and nationally.
- Please pray that God will comfort those present during the attack on Emmanuel Church, who included some young people.
- Pray that Emmanuel Church members will be known for their love and compassion as they reach out to the wider community.
- Pray that the Russian authorities will stand against intolerance and uphold religious freedom for all citizens.
(Source: Release contacts)
Hardly News.
Most asylum seekers ineligible, EU commissioner says - 26/01/2016
EU commission vice-president Frans Timmermans, citing an unpublished report by the EU border agency Frontex, says most people coming to EU are not from countries which qualify them for asylum.
EU commission vice-president Frans Timmermans, citing an unpublished report by the EU border agency Frontex, says most people coming to EU are not from countries which qualify them for asylum.
Incest NOT Legalised In Scotland.
January 26th, 2016. Members
of Scottish Parliament have thrown out a petition to legalise incest between
Mr Corbyn - Man Of The People?
On getting 'rid of all nuclear weapons in
Britain even if other countries keep theirs': Support: 24% Oppose: 70% (via
Ipsos Mori)
Jonathan Demands Decent Education.
Letters – Our children deserve a quality education
Dear Editor,
Recent OECD figures rated English teenagers as the worst of 23 developed
nations in literacy, and 22nd of 23 in numeracy. Many of the advantages we have
economically in the United Kingdom relate to English as a global language, and
our high-tech economy. If we are to be a 21st-century global leader in an
increasingly-crowded field, we need to strive to be the best.
Before I was elected to the European Parliament, I taught Mathematics. I
believe that at every level, the way we educate our young people and future
leaders requires a radical overhaul. Teaching must become less a tick-box
exercise and much more about conveying a passion for the subject. Mathematics
contains so much beauty, and we must convey that to children rather than sterile
instruction which leads children to describe Maths as ‘boring’. We need a
quality education to be provided, in a disciplined learning environment, and for
that education to be valued and supported by all parents. We need to cater
better for special educational needs than we do. But sometimes society also
forgets about the A* students; should we not also be doing more to ensure that
they reach their potential if we want future generations to stand
At every level improvement is required; a good first step would be
admitting that there is a problem. If children do not pick up key skills in
Maths and English at school, then it could impact them in countless ways for the
rest of their lives. We must do better for a generation which will already be
burdened by unprecedented levels of national debt and reduced public
Jonathan Arnott MEP
Friday, January 29, 2016
100% Correct Mr Wright.
From: G Wright, Tadcaster.
WE received through the post the other morning a pamphlet issued by an organisation entitled “Britain Stronger in Europe”.
The banner headline read “Europe and you”. This either shows confusion in the organisation or an attempt to confuse the recipients and to fudge issues. It is difficult to take an outfit seriously if the title it has adopted confuses its objectives, which concerns our continued membership of the European Union not Europe.
On reading the farrago of supposition, figures based on guess work, opinions and half-truths, which constitute most of the missive, one’s misgivings regarding the credibility of this organisation are confirmed.
The issue of whether the UK should remain in the EU and on what terms is of vital importance to the nation’s future prosperity. Hence the debate deserves a balanced exposition of the pros and cons, in order that we can make an informed judgement. What it should not do is underestimate the intelligence of the public. I hope that no taxpayers’ money has been used to promulgate this blatant propaganda.
Read more:
100% Correct Mr Platt.
From: Mr V Platt, Harrogate.
IS everybody getting ready and all excited about the forthcoming EU stitch up – sorry, I mean referendum? Already we are beginning to hear weasel words like “renegotiation”, “grabbing back powers”, “clinching a new deal”, just like Harold Wilson in 1974-75. He made a commitment admitting that he had not “got everything he wanted”, but claimed, despite this to have won “big and significant improvements” and then asked “you to vote in favour of remaining in the community”.
What a heart-warming cosy image he painted, like being in a close-knit family of wonderful nations who all love Britain (that’ll be the day) just like David Cameron is going to claim.
He has not got everything he wanted but nonetheless “enough to justify our staying in” and guess what? The great British taxpayers will fall for it all over again.
Read more:
Learn The Times Tables - And Why!
We’re living in a technology-driven world.
Calculations can be done in an instant; you no longer even need to reach for
your calculator. A tablet, ipad, laptop or mobile telephone will almost
certainly have a calculator function – you’re never far away from something that
will help you to deal with basic arithmetic if you can’t do it for
yourself. Why, then, is learning times tables in any way
relevant in a modern classroom? You’d be forgiven for thinking that Education
Secretary Nicky Morgan has got it wrong, yet again, when she suggests that all
children should know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the age of 11. Yet as a
former Maths teacher I’m convinced that knowledge of such essential arithmetic
by the end of primary school is vital. I have a sneaky suspicion though that she
may be correct by accident; right for completely wrong reasons. The unions have
now come out and opposed Morgan, for the puerile and overly-simplistic reason
that ‘everyone has a calculator now’. I speak from personal experience when I
say that this spectacularly misses the point. Shouldn’t the teaching unions be
talking to the maths teachers they represent?There’s a tendency in the Conservative Party to
hark back to the ‘good old days’, to suggest that education has lost something
in recent decades as trendy teaching methods have replaced the traditional, that
a certain amount of learning by rote can be a useful academic exercise and
develop concentration. As a former teacher, I think that’s an over-simplistic
approach which has the occasional grain of truth. Different children learn in
different ways. The modern approach encourages children to develop skills of
problem-solving, which in some ways offers a significant advantage. But it also
risks leaving other children behind. Depending on the subject, or even the
topic, factual learning is vital.
When I learned Spanish at school, there was an
emphasis on vocabulary and verbs. If you don’t learn the words you need to know,
or learn patterns of regular and irregular verbs, you won’t be able to speak the
language. As teaching of modern foreign languages has lessened its emphasis on
such learning, I’ve noticed a decline in the ability of students to speak
correctly in the target language. Recently, on one of the Spanish islands, I was
discussing an image with a graphic designer. He made a change which I hadn’t
requested, and it didn’t look right. “No, the one you had before”, I said. He
undid the change, then said “When English people speak Spanish they always get
the verbs mixed up. But you use them perfectly”. In Spanish (as in English)
there are many past tenses. All I’d done was choose the correct one. Learn a
couple of phrases which use the tenses correctly, drop them into an exam – and
hey presto, you’ve fooled an examiner into believing that you know the tense.
Great for picking up a decent exam grade, but unhelpful for actually using the
Here’s the point: factual learning should never be
done for the sake of it, harking back to some halcyon days that probably never
even existed in the first place. When there’s a genuine educational need, that’s
a different matter altogether. There is such a need for learning times tables,
but I haven’t heard it come from Nicky Morgan’s mouth.
When I was teaching Mathematics, I always found it
far easier to teach a range of topics, from algebra to geometry, from
trigonometry to Pythagoras, to those who already had a basic arithmetic
knowledge. The difference became more striking to me when teaching older
children; at age 15 or 16 it became more important than at age 11. Questions
might require, say, five steps of working out. At different stages, there will
be a need to perform a simple arithmetic calculation. Those who did not know the
answer would either have to work it out, or (if a calculator was allowed on that
examination paper) input the numbers into a calculator. The thought process was
broken; in having to take time to deal with basic arithmetic they would forget
some of the detail of the question. From there, mistakes would creep in. The
student who knew their times tables (and was proficient in adding and
subtracting quickly) was in a position to continue and solve the problem
uninterrupted. Those who possessed basic arithmetic proficiency would
consistently outperform those who did not. If we want to improve mathematical
standards in our secondary schools, then it is important to make sure that we
first improve standards of numeracy in our primary schools.
To take a more advanced example, as a personal
point of professional awareness whilst teaching I made sure that I knew all of
my square numbers up to 50 x 50. If you know that 10 x 10 = 100, then 11 x 9 is
one less than 100, which is 99. Know that 12 x 12 = 144? Then it follows that 13
x 11 = 143. Using that simple trick, and because I knew 23 x 23, I could work
out instantly that 24 x 22 = 528. After learning a few more similar tricks,
two-digit multiplications became very easy for me – though no doubt politics has
dulled some of my sharpness by now.At age 11, knowing your times tables up to 12 x 12
is hugely beneficial. It doesn’t need to be done by government diktat with
league tables created to show how well one school is performing against another.
It doesn’t need to be a cause of stress for teachers worried about how a poor
performance from their class will reflect upon them. All that is needed is for a
renewed focus and emphasis on times tables in primary education. This is the
point that the unions should have focused on: introducing a battery of new tests
ready to be rolled out across the country is a bureaucratic waste of time and
money. Morgan misses the point here once again, but at least she was correct –
albeit for the wrong reasons – on the issue of times tables. Jonathan Arnott MEP
- In The Northern Chronicle.
Brexit: - Another Winner!
Karren Brady, the vice-chairman of West Ham United, believes severing ties with Brussels would also significantly damage the economy of British football.
Free movement rules have made it easier for stars from the other 27 members states to come to the Premier League. Express.
This is terrific, if true. England football is weak because so few English players manage to make it in the Premier League. It would be really nice to see starting 11s with eight or nine players qualified to play for the national team - rather than the three or four so common at the moment! Why care that much about The European Cup?
Unkind, Boris. (But The SNP Description Is Pretty Close.)
"Lady Macbeth."
Boris Johnson had a lot of things to say about Scottish
National Party leader Nicola Sturgeon, likening her to King Herod, a jewel
thief, Attila the Hun, Lady Macbeth and her party to “a bunch of voracious
Please Donate.
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Brexit: As Passed Onto Me.
Sensible people will vote to leave; stupid people will vote
to stay. The problem is that sensible people are outnumbered 2 to 1.
EU To Put VAT On Food?
Eurocrats are considering a radical overhaul of VAT, threatening Britain’s right to levy a zero rate on food, medicines and children’s clothes.
A five per cent tax – the EU minimum – would raise £5.4billion a year and add £203 to the cost of the average household’s shopping.
Pierre Moscovici, European Commissioner for economic and financial affairs, is spearheading the VAT shake-up. Express.
Degrees? - Sounds About Right. Dumbing Down Is Horrendous.
The value of a university degree is being undermined because too many students can't read or count properly, damning international report declares
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) said a three year undergraduate was too expensive and unsuitable for people with poor literacy and numeracy. Mail.
UKIP Always Works The Hardest.
Workaholic Ukip councillor was so busy attending meetings over a two day period that his worried family reported him missing to police - who found him in yet another committee
Cllr Denis Crawford is in constant demand as he sits on Norfolk County, Breckland District and Thetford Town councils. Mail.
Lie Detectors.
In many American states, polygraphs are common. When a serious crime has been committed - polygraph testing may be offered in order to sift quickly the liars from the truth tellers. I do not advocate its use in courts in the UK without significant amounts of research - but I cannot see a problem in police trying to avoid the huge amounts of time wasting which occurs currently. The one thing that I would say regarding courts, is that JPs and juries would be permitted to draw inferences from any refusal to take the test.
Think how many lengthy trials would be avoided; how much public money would be saved; how many criminals would think twice before making perverse not guilty pleas.
Think how many lengthy trials would be avoided; how much public money would be saved; how many criminals would think twice before making perverse not guilty pleas.
Hmm. Sounds Like A Win-Win To Me.
Just how long does it take to burn off that snack? The bad news: You'll need THREE HOURS of sex to work off one slice of carrot cake
This week, the UK's Royal Society for Public Health has called for 'activity equivalent' calorie scores on food packaging. Here LOUISE ATKINSON reveals how much activity it takes to burn off snacks... Mail.
Hidden Immigration.
Nearly 100,000 foreign students a year from outside Europe are not returning home after completing their courses in the UK, a report has revealed.
The only way to correct this is going to have to be ID cards. I have done a complete volte face on this issue due to the changing circumstances.
Then, every last one must be deported - even if they have usable skills. We do not need any more criminals here. When people realise that their criminality will not be tolerated - the numbers trying it on will plummet!
The only way to correct this is going to have to be ID cards. I have done a complete volte face on this issue due to the changing circumstances.
Then, every last one must be deported - even if they have usable skills. We do not need any more criminals here. When people realise that their criminality will not be tolerated - the numbers trying it on will plummet!
EU Now Targets Paper Boys?
At the request of Mr C, this behaviour should be considered as LoonyTunesWatch territory. I agree - so the coconut is hereby awarded!
At the request of Mr C, this behaviour should be considered as LoonyTunesWatch territory. I agree - so the coconut is hereby awarded!
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Havering - Nice One!
Havering Borough Council voted 30 to 15 to support the motion that the UK would be better without the EU.
Six Ukip councillors formed an alliance with Eurosceptic Tories and independent councillors to get behind the motion at a meeting last night. Express.
Free Canadian Pastor!
Over 125,000 Sign Petition Demanding North Korea Free Imprisoned Canadian Pastor
Over 125,000 people have already signed an online petition calling for
the release of a Canadian pastor imprisoned by North Korea's Communist
government. Christian
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