Friday, January 29, 2016

100% Correct Mr Wright.

From: G Wright, Tadcaster.
WE received through the post the other morning a pamphlet issued by an organisation entitled “Britain Stronger in Europe”.
The banner headline read “Europe and you”. This either shows confusion in the organisation or an attempt to confuse the recipients and to fudge issues. It is difficult to take an outfit seriously if the title it has adopted confuses its objectives, which concerns our continued membership of the European Union not Europe.
On reading the farrago of supposition, figures based on guess work, opinions and half-truths, which constitute most of the missive, one’s misgivings regarding the credibility of this organisation are confirmed.
The issue of whether the UK should remain in the EU and on what terms is of vital importance to the nation’s future prosperity. Hence the debate deserves a balanced exposition of the pros and cons, in order that we can make an informed judgement. What it should not do is underestimate the intelligence of the public. I hope that no taxpayers’ money has been used to promulgate this blatant propaganda.
Read more:

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?