Sunday, July 31, 2016

Excellent Muslim Response! - Well Done!

'We won't bury terrorists' Normandy REFUSES to give Muslim burial to priest killers.

THE shocked community reeling after two ISIS killers entered a church and killed an elderly priest in France are refusing to bury the pair following their wretched act. By  Express.

Adel Kermiche and Abdelmalik Petitjean will not be given a Muslim burial by locals who say they do not want to "taint" Islam.
Both men who entered the Normandy church acted in accordance as they slit 84-year old priest Fr Jacques Hamel's throat on the altar while he was conducting morning mass.
Now furious locals are turning their backs on the men. 
I suggest burying such murderous people in a coffin filled with pig fat.

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?