Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Persecution From Hindus.

india‘Do what you like to us: we won’t leave Christ’
Hindu extremists in India have given a group of Christians a stark choice: stop worshipping Jesus or we’ll kill you. And local police have threatened to fine believers if they hold church services in public.
Please pray for your church family in Hunter village, Jharkhand state. The 25 Christians there are standing firm in their faith, despite death threats – but at a high personal cost.
The six families concerned are Dalits or ‘untouchables’, the lowest of the low in Hindu society. They are also now being denied the right to buy basic foodstuffs at subsidised rates.
Their troubles started in May when 100 Hindu villagers summoned them to a meeting and told them it was wrong to follow Christ.
Pastor Sanjay Kumar Ravi responded by sharing a testimony of how Jesus healed him in 2007. Furious villagers beat him and five others with sticks, hanging them upside down by their legs.
Yet, the Christians stood firm. ‘Do whatever you like, we are not going to leave Christ at any cost,’ they said.
When the believers reported the attack to police, officers forced Christians to sign a statement that they would worship only at home or risk stiff fines. Last month extremists threatened to kill the Christians, after one of them again resisted pressure to deny Jesus.
  • Pray that God will heal the six Christians who were beaten. Naresh Ram’s hands were broken and Pastor Sanjay has internal injuries that cause severe chest pain.
  • Pray that moderate Hindus in Hunter will reject extremism and support local Christians.
  • Pray that President Narendra Modi and his Government will take a firm stand against the religious intolerance which appears to be growing in India.
(Source: Morning Star News)
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