Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Geert Wilders Heading For Top Job In Netherlands?

Here is a pretty question: Is Wilders more to the right of centre than Corbyn is to the left of it?
This question matters. Corbyn rightly has earned a bad press but for reasons unexplained, his brand of extremism is glossed over by the media and leftist apologists.
Do we really think that a genuine right-winger like Wilders could possibly
be worse for Holland than Corbyn would be for the UK?
The difference, you ask? - Well at least Wilders is on the side of his country whether or not you agree with his policies.

We really cannot make the same argument for Jeremy whose loyalties lie primarily with a failed marxist philosophy which trumps all else!
I am very thankful that Ukip is not cast in the Wilders mould. Those in the party who want to see us move in that direction will be thwarted by Paul Nuttall as leader. You do not have to be hard right to destroy the LibLabCon and its appalling embracing of sickening, liberal left mindsets.

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  Annabel Denham . Ed Miliband is hammering the final  nail in Britain’s coffin – then boasting  about it. The country that birthed the indu...