Saturday, February 18, 2017

Repeal ECA 1972.

During September/October 2016 our PM Theresa May made much of her ‘Grande Repeal of the European Communities Act 1972.’ She has since become silent on this matter. We hear since only of the intended triggering of the Lisbon Treaty’s Article 50, signed by PM Gordon Brown, incidentally. This Article 50 is an intended highly punitive financial and political trap. For the UK, it is quite an unnecessary course of action, likely to cause extensive drawn-out public treasury costs, an unwarranted drain of taxpayers money, at a time of excessive and continuous ‘squeezing’ pressures upon our annual Budget, shortly due for 2017/2018, and with unacceptable public and departmental effect upon the NHS, Social Care, Education and Defence shortfalls in services both today and for the foreseeable future through 2020 -25.
Mrs Theresa May should re-order our national priorities now, without further delay.
The immediate Repeal of the European Communities Act 1972 is essential. At one stroke, it will restore immediately (i) our sovereignty (ii) the supremacy of Parliament (iii) the supremacy of our treasured independent Judiciary, British Law with safeguards our Magna Carta freedoms and (iv) immediate freedom from every scrap of financial liability towards the EU, thus releasing immediately the desperately needed refunding of our NHS now in a perilous condition. As an additional factor, we would immediately be free to sign up our future global free trade agreements and would be in a position of strength from which we could settle our EU trade agreement. The Eurozone, currently being in a perilous state of near collapse, could not afford to suffer significant loss of their largest export customer, the UK. Brexit means prosperity, jobs, freedom and well-being. It is what we voted for on June 23rd 2016. May our MPs attend to this matter forthwith and with vigour.
Respectfully, Capt. Graham Harper, Ukip Daily.

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...