Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Danegeld by Any Other Name.

Nick Martinek, Briarlyn Road, Huddersfield. Yorkshire Post.
There is little doubt that the general election on June 8 will be, in effect, a second referendum. That is because many politicians, including Tony Blair, Nick Clegg and Michael Heseltine, have not honoured the Leave vote in the 2016 Referendum, instead vowing to overturn the result, or keep us partly in the EU.
Yet a “soft” Brexit is a fake Brexit. If the whole of the UK remains subject to EU legal supremacy, the EU courts and must continue to pay into the EU, then we have not really left.
Suppose we had voted Remain by the same margin (52:48). Would Remain activists and politicians accept that we should leave the CAP and CFP, and only remain in the single market? To just ask the question is to demonstrate the absurdity of the current Remain position.
Unfortunately the Remains, and the EU, have been encouraged by the timid responses from Theresa May’s government. Just two examples: she has failed to adequately confront the fake Brexit propaganda, and equally failed to laugh off the self-serving EU demands for the UK to pay a “Danegeld” bribe to the tune of £52 billion.
Leave is not yet a done deal: we have to vote (again!) to make sure it is.

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.