I have lambasted the BNP on
this Blog many times but I think that we need to put them into perspective -
after all they are 'extremists' - we know this because the mainstream
politicians have told us so!
The problem is of course, that they are called 'extreme' by the self same politicians who have:-
1} Sold our birthright to the EU.
2} Allowed the feckless and workshy a totally free ride.
3} Stolen money from the people to squander wildly and called it taxation.
4} Promoted multiculture to destroy our sense of oneness as a society.
5} Downgraded and derided the Christian Faith.
6} Permitted criminals to take over parts of our cities.
7} Failed to protect citizens from thugs by weak-kneed sentencing.
8} Allowed a veritable flood of immigrants to what is now the most overcrowded country in Europe.
9} Allowed the total dumbing down of education.
10}"Framed mischief by statute" [Psalm 94] and permitted a bevy of immoralities to fester and grow.
11} Have destroyed democracy with their 'we know what is best for you' attitudes.
12} They have created the 'nanny state' so they can have ever more control over us.
13} Failed to attack the drugs problems at source.
14} Have taken us into unwinnable foreign wars.[Labour with Conservative help]
15} Have wrecked the economy for generations as yet unborn [Labour only]
16} Have permitted the mass slaughter of the unborn.
17} Have promoted alien religions ahead of Christianity.
18} Have encouraged family breakdown.
19} Have encouraged and promoted illegitimacy and all the knock on social effects.
20} Have funded the irresponsible in countless spheres.
21} Have poured money into quangos
22} Have encouraged an ever burgeoning bureaucratic layer.
23} Have buried businesses in unending amounts of Brussels-inspired paper and meaningless regulations.
24} Have confused liberty with licence.
25} Have lied repeatedly. ['Of course there will be a referendum!']
26] Have made working a poor second choice for many who are trapped in the cycle of benefit dependency.
The problem is of course, that they are called 'extreme' by the self same politicians who have:-
1} Sold our birthright to the EU.
2} Allowed the feckless and workshy a totally free ride.
3} Stolen money from the people to squander wildly and called it taxation.
4} Promoted multiculture to destroy our sense of oneness as a society.
5} Downgraded and derided the Christian Faith.
6} Permitted criminals to take over parts of our cities.
7} Failed to protect citizens from thugs by weak-kneed sentencing.
8} Allowed a veritable flood of immigrants to what is now the most overcrowded country in Europe.
9} Allowed the total dumbing down of education.
10}"Framed mischief by statute" [Psalm 94] and permitted a bevy of immoralities to fester and grow.
11} Have destroyed democracy with their 'we know what is best for you' attitudes.
12} They have created the 'nanny state' so they can have ever more control over us.
13} Failed to attack the drugs problems at source.
14} Have taken us into unwinnable foreign wars.[Labour with Conservative help]
15} Have wrecked the economy for generations as yet unborn [Labour only]
16} Have permitted the mass slaughter of the unborn.
17} Have promoted alien religions ahead of Christianity.
18} Have encouraged family breakdown.
19} Have encouraged and promoted illegitimacy and all the knock on social effects.
20} Have funded the irresponsible in countless spheres.
21} Have poured money into quangos
22} Have encouraged an ever burgeoning bureaucratic layer.
23} Have buried businesses in unending amounts of Brussels-inspired paper and meaningless regulations.
24} Have confused liberty with licence.
25} Have lied repeatedly. ['Of course there will be a referendum!']
26] Have made working a poor second choice for many who are trapped in the cycle of benefit dependency.
Well. The BNP has effectively disappeared and we finally got a vote on EU
Anything else?
The problem here is that there are so many more new abominations to add to the above list!