(peanut butter) love
peanut butter is nothing more than something you put on your toast? Think again.
One woman from the Central African Republic has been using the humble spread to
lift herself out of poverty and rediscover her strength.
who lives in the small village of Dana-Kobolé, is 70 years old and has 12
children and 23 grandchildren – that’s a lot of mouths to feed! When she was
younger she worked alongside her husband cultivating large fields of peanuts,
corn, courgette and plantain. They also used to raise chickens, ducks, goats and
bad to worse
But after her husband’s death 15 years ago, Louise became physically weak and could no longer work in the fields. She had lost her only source of income.
But after her husband’s death 15 years ago, Louise became physically weak and could no longer work in the fields. She had lost her only source of income.
then went from bad to worse. Her village was burned during the conflict in
2012-2013. Groups of armed men stripped the countryside, burning and looting
property and assaulting men and women. Thankfully, Louise wasn’t harmed.
became overgrown with weeds as they were unsafe to work in. Many people during
this time lost the ability to grow food for themselves and feed their
going to need a bigger jar…
Last year, in one project alone, Tearfund distributed vegetable seeds to 17,400 people like Louise, and also distributed tools such as hoes, watering cans and rakes. As a result, Louise and her family were able to harvest a whopping 187kg of peanuts.
Last year, in one project alone, Tearfund distributed vegetable seeds to 17,400 people like Louise, and also distributed tools such as hoes, watering cans and rakes. As a result, Louise and her family were able to harvest a whopping 187kg of peanuts.
She says:
‘I used some of the peanuts to make peanut butter, for the children to eat. I
had to grind the peanuts with a pestle and mortar – it took hours, and all of my
As a
widow, Louise was chosen to receive extra support. Tearfund provided Louise with
a food mill to make it easier for her to make the peanut butter. Now she can
sell the excess produce for profit at market, meaning more money for Louise, her
children and her grandchildren.
One of Tearfund’s staff members tried the peanut butter. The verdict? ‘It’s amazing! Thick and crunchy... she boils the nuts before grinding them, so it’s naturally quite sweet and creamy.’
One of Tearfund’s staff members tried the peanut butter. The verdict? ‘It’s amazing! Thick and crunchy... she boils the nuts before grinding them, so it’s naturally quite sweet and creamy.’
says: ‘Throughout my whole life, I have never been able to afford a food mill to
make peanut butter... But now I am overjoyed because Tearfund gave me this food
mill. I thank God for this, because he is sending strong hands to an old
Pray for widows the world over; That God will be their comforter and protector.
Thank God that Louise has found this new lease of life, and pray that she will continue to grow in strength and joy for many more years.
Lift up our staff and partners in the Central African Republic and ask for God’s protection and blessing on their amazing work.
A note from...
'We are so
thankful for all of your prayers, which enable us to support people like Louise.
It's only thanks to our supporters that she's been able to rebuild her
livelihood and make her delicious peanut