"There is no such thing as society."
The left have faced one
Nemesis in the last 50 years in this country: Margaret Thatcher. She was often
wrong on the small things but seldom on the large as she attempted, with a fair
degree of success, to undo the damage perpetrated by generations of liberal left
thinking against the backcloth of a society in almost as bad a state as ours is
The left have
wilfully misquoted what she had to say about society by disingenuously removing
it from its context.
'This quote is
often taken out of context. She was talking about money and spending on good
causes. What she really meant was "there is no such bank account as society". If
you say "society should pay for... " what you actually mean is that people, via
tax, should pay for... . It is unfair to take the exact phrasing of a sentence
in an interview, as opposed to a pre-prepared speech wantonly taken out of