Powerful and courageous performance by UKIP Leader
Published May 31, 2017
Talking about the BBC Election Debate that took place in Cambridge on
Thursday night, UKIP Deputy Leader Peter Whittle said, “It’s clear that Paul
Nuttall showed a resolve, courage and leadership that has been lacking from the
rest of the Westminster establishment.
“Paul spoke to people in Britain who are living in the real world. Unlike
the others he was honest, direct, and confident about the future of
“Despite a blanket of denial from the other speakers, he was prepared to
talk about the real threats faced by our society. He was prepared to call out
Islamic Extremism for what it is rather than simply restate the platitudes we
are so used to. He was realistic about the impact of immigration on jobs and our
public services.
“In a Brexit election there was no question about Brexit, and yet it was
the elephant in the room across all aspects that were
“He was strong on the economy and he was compassionate about the
challenges faced by the hard pressed working majority in this
“This was a powerful, honest and courageous
“This will be recognised by voters right across the