Sunday, July 02, 2017

Prayer Corner.

I visited my hometown of Scunthorpe yesterday and was delighted to have found the opportunity to go to my favourite British market to buy Lincolnshire sausage, smoked Wiltshire middle and a fine bunch of flowers.
We moved on to visit the home of my dearest  friends, Trev and Rita. Trev looked as though he had just been dragged through a mangle.
The flowers were for Rita who has been having chemotherapy for cancer and seemed quite philosophical that her life might be nearing its end. Apparently, this noxious evil has spread. What an awful word to hear. There is more chemo due later this week.
She knows that we pray for her and that so does our prayer team. She has friends praying for her from a church in Newark. I asked her to pray add her own prayers which she agreed to do. I have no idea what kind of faith she has - but I am sure that there is something on which to build in both of them.
Will all my readers please join us in praying for their salvation and good health?

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.