Sunday, August 27, 2017

Ben Walker - Letter.

Letters to the Editor – Monday August 2017. Ukip Daily.

Letters to the Editor – Monday 21st August 2017

Today’s first letter is actually an important statement by Ben Walker, candidate in the current leadership contest:
Tackling terror: As the recent terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Finland have shown, the people carrying out these attacks are relentless and becoming much less sophisticated by weaponising motor vehicles.
In order to try and stem the tide across Western Europe, as the leader of UKIP I would campaign and fight for the following measures:
Islam is incompatible with democracy, and so it makes no sense to risk the lives of our service personnel trying to install democracy into Islamic countries. The reason it is incompatible – the laws of Allah are regarded as superior to the laws of man.
I will strengthen existing terror laws, and ensure authorities have all the support and resources they need to win the fight against terror.
ISIS fighters attempting to return to the UK will not under any circumstances be able to do so. 
All suspects currently on watch lists will be electronically tagged, investigated and either imprisoned or deported following conviction.
For offenders charged and sentenced with terror related offences: family members, associates and places of worship will also be investigated to determine any potential links and could face prosecution under the terrorism act.
The result would be twofold: either they will be prosecuted under the law or they will be deported.
I will also deport all foreign terrorists to their country of origin post punishment of British law. They will be stripped of their British citizenship and be prevented from re-entering the UK thereafter. 
Here at home in Great Britain there is a sense of creeping Islamisation. People are uncertain, even fearful of some of the practices and ideology behind the religion of Islam.
In order that we as a nation ensure a better integration and demonstrate a better compatibility of our two cultures I would campaign for the following:
The religious slaughter of animals will be banned in abattoirs throughout the UK.  It has no place here and is incompatible with British values and our strong sense of animal welfare. 
I will uphold and enforce the supreme right of British law in the UK. No other law is to be recognised. Sharia courts and councils will be outlawed.
I will overturn the current government’s cowardly position on child rape gangs and abolish the political correctness which is preventing police officers carrying out their duties.
Perpetrators regardless of race or origin will be given prison sentences and/or deportation with an extra tariff where a racial element to the offences has been proven. I will ensure child victims of rape are much better protected and remove the unnecessary and intimidating, cross-examination by defendant’s lawyers. 
All FGM hospital admissions are to be reported, investigated and those responsible brought to justice.  This barbaric practice cannot continue to operate without prosecution.  
The criminal justice system is broken.  As UKIP leader I will be very tough on law and order. When people carry out a serious crime, they would lose their rights to citizenship along with their vote.
In order that we demonstrate that crime cannot pay, I will campaign for the implication of the following changes:
Re-nationalise the Prison Service and offer employment to retiring or former members of the Armed Services with at least 10 years- service, to increase the prison officer numbers by 7,000
End prisoner to prisoner contact unless supervised and remove access to the internet and electronic gaming. Prison should and will be a very bad place to be sent to.
Make the punishments of those officers convicted of dishonourable conduct in a public office more stringent to best demonstrate the misuse of trust to the community of those officers.
Carry out a full review of our current prisons and procedures.

Respectfully, Ben Walker
