Home Office terror report is purely a hangover from Project Fear.
Published Aug 23, 2017
"This report was produced by the Home Office, then under Theresa May,
prior to the referendum and at a time when the government had an official and
well publicised policy of not allowing civil servants to support the leave
campaign. It was produced during the era of the now discredited ‘Project Fear’",
said Steve Crowther, UKIP's interim Leader "The reality is that the EU
facilitates only symbolic intelligence cooperation between member
Henry Bolton who advises the party on Security matters continued,
"Intelligence sharing is done on the principle of ‘need to know’. Passing
intelligence that only Germany needs, via Brussels, for example, would breach
that principle. So any meaningful exchange between with EU member states is
undertaken directly, bi-laterally or multi-laterally. The UK exiting the
European Union will not have any impact on these exchanges unless the EU
deliberately creates artificial obstacles.
"The Schengen Information System (SIS) database, which the Home Office
report refers to, is controlled by an authority comprised of representatives of
the SIS member nations. Again, only if the UK wishes to withdraw, or if the EU
deliberately forces it to do so, would this necessarily be impacted by our exit
from the EU.
"The best way to secure our country is to reverse cuts to the Border
Force and Police and to assert full control of our borders. However, what we see
here is yet another legacy from David Cameron’s ‘Project Fear’ and one that,
once again, calls into question the Prime Minister’s commitment to