Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Catalan Rights To Self-Determination Are Their Democratic Entitlement.

I am not going to write a lengthy piece on the Catalan bid to be freed from Spain. All I wish to point out is that I respect democracy - and forced, unwanted union is the opposite of that.
Had it not been for that very positive by-product of The American Civil War in the abolition of slavery - it is quite clear that, in all other areas, the moral high ground lay with the Confederacy. States' rights normally trump all the other issues. But in the matter of slavery, however, that higher moral ground superceded all else.
Consider Spain's attitudes to: Ceuta, Melilla and Gibraltar.
Broker the Falklands issue into the argument.
Add the Brexit question.
Consider Kosovo.
The democratic voice of peoples must be heard and arguments which talk about suppression of rights to self-determination 'for the greater good' must be shunned. It is the very worst of leftist - or rightist - dictatorial attitudes.
Scotland cannot survive outside the UK without abject surrender to the EU - even supposing that august body might want them! Scotland takes far more from the UK than it gives. Without England, disaster looms - a fact which was clearly recognised in the last referendum on the independence issue.

Catalonia, however, possesses all the wealth which Scotland does not.
