Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Reclaiming Halloween.


Yesterday - Curtains Drawn and Lights On At ...

Slimane Bouhafs.

Please continue to pray for our Algerian brother Slimane Bouhafs who has gone on hunger strike after a court rejected his application for conditional release. He is now demanding to be moved to a prison in his home province, Bejia. Convicted of ‘blasphemy’ over a Facebook post, he has nine months left to serve of his sentence. His family applied for parole after he received a partial presidential pardon in July. (Source: Middle East Concern). Release International.

Islam & Sexual Abuse: The Independent Loses The Plot.

October 20th, 2017 | Islam
The Independent published an astonishing article this week, entitled: “How the teachings of Islam could help us prevent more sexual abuse scandals”. It is written by Qasim Rashid, an Ahmadiyya Muslim writer and commentator.  

Even Lefties Should Not Be Voting Corbyn!

Badger Culls Work.

I have recently noted that there are direct correlations between badger culls and the significant fall in the numbers of bovine tuberculosis - particularly as noted in Ireland's successful culling policy.
Furthermore, the greater the numbers of badgers, the fewer hedgehogs.
The word 'cull' has soppy environmentalists wetting their underwear.
We must recognise that when Man's stay on this planet has damaged wildlife - it is often necessary for Man to repair the damage.

If this means culls - then so be it. REAL environmentalists are what the world needs not the dopey bunny-huggers.

Abortion Disgrace.

UK-based anti-abortion charity Life is being given the biggest share, £250,000, of the funds raised by the controversial 'tampon tax'. The decision sparked outcry when rumoured earlier this year. Mail.

EU Standard Mentalities.

EU Could Fail Because ...


Ah ...

That awkward moment when you're in a Catalan pro-independence restaurant, Catalan menus, they don't speak English & so you have to speak in Spanish.

Political Correctness - The New Extremism!


University Departments Have Been Doing This Kind of Thing For YEARS. (Worst Are Sociology Courses.)

Brexit bias? Students ‘feel forced to censor anti-EU views to pander to university tutors’.

STUDENTS enrolled at British universities have admitted to being concerned about “Brexit bias”, it has been reported.
Some students have also admitted to self-censoring their views in academic work in a bid to pander to the pro-Remain opinions of lecturers, according to the Sunday Telegraph.
William Bates, a politics and international relations student at the University of the West of England (UWE), even claimed to have noticed a difference in marks after deliberately submitting essays with a left-wing slant.
He added: “Our essays are often marked based on how receptive lecturers are to your arguments.
“You can take a left-wing of centrist stance, but you’d be mad to write anything eurosceptic.”
UWE has said it was “very surprised” by the allegations and that it would “never expect” students to “self-censor assignments”.
A spokesman for UWE said: “The university advocates freedom of opinion. All assignments are marked on academic merit.”
In addition, Jamie Hollywood, a PPE student at Goldsmiths, University of London, said: “I have experienced incredible Brexit bias.
“In my first lecture in philosophy, the lecturer, who is European, told the class that Brexit was a nationalist enterprise.
“He also said that he would be kicked out of the country, which was clearly inappropriate – and absurd.

Boasting Can Be Great!

Wales Invaded By Octopuses.

An incredibly rare octopus invasion of a Welsh beach may have been caused by recent storms that battered the Irish Sea, experts fear.
More than 20 of the solitary creatures were spotted coming out of the water in New Quay, , and crawling up the beach on three consecutive nights, baffling locals, who have never witnessed such a phenomenon.
The curled octopuses, a common species in British waters, are very secretive creatures and usually found at depths of up to 100m.
James Wright, curator at the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth, said he had heard one or two other accounts last week of some being found in the intertidal zone - where the tide comes in and out - along the North Devon and the Welsh coasts.
“This account of a number on the same beach is quite odd,” he told the Telegraph.
“But them even being found in the intertidal is not common and suggests there is something wrong with them I am afraid.
“As the areas where they are exhibiting this odd behaviour coincides with the two areas hit by the two recent low pressures depressions and associated storms of Ophelia and Brian, it could be supposed that these have affected them.
“It could simply be injuries sustained by the rough weather itself or there could be a sensitivity to a change in atmospheric pressure.” Telegraph.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Jonathan Arnott MEP Report From Catalonia.

Jonathan Arnott

What does it mean to create a nation? In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, military might would determine whether or not it had been achieved.
The American Revolution succeeded; America gained its independence from the United Kingdom. Just four score and seven years later, Abraham Lincoln spoke his famous words as that very nation, conceived in liberty, fought tooth-and-nail to prevent the creation of another nation from it. Had either war had a different outcome, history might well have been likewise very different. Books have been written on the subject.
In our modern, 21st-century world, it's inconceivable that this age-old question in a modern Western democracy could be settled in such a manner.
I've been in Catalonia since the afternoon its Parliament declared independence, speaking to ordinary people rather than those on marches.
At the moment I'm writing this, I'd describe it as the 'polite revolution'. Walk through the streets of Girona or Barcelona and, unless you happen to come across mass demonstrations, there is no indication (save for the flags) of what has happened. I walk past a man whose t-shirt shows he outline of a thumbs-up, filled in with the image of a Catalan flag. I resist the urge to take a photo, lest it's seen as rudeness. A shame: it would have accompanied this article well.
Police officers are sparse, the military not out on the streets. There's more military activity on the streets of Brussels every day of the year than on the streets of Barcelona the day after polling day.
Catalan flags abound. Different versions of the flag are draped from balconies. Drive into almost any small Catalan farming village, and the Catalan flag undoubtedly flies proudly and prominently at the entrance. The message is unmistakable. I see no Spanish flags anywhere, not a single one. After the slight embarrassment of my rusty Spanish meaning that I've forgotten the Spanish word for flag, I'm able to communicate this to a taxi driver: he immediately replies that his home town of Badalona flies Spanish flags rather than Catalan. It feels that town must be in a minority.
The Catalan flag flies everywhere, a reminder to all that a belief in one's country (provided that the intention is not to denigrate anyone else's) is a poignant symbol of unity and culture.
I walk into a bar in Girona, where a Catalan flag is placed at the entry to the bar. Here the mood is somewhat different. The menus are in Catalan only; I sense that speaking Spanish here is almost an affront right now. I ask for an English translation of some items which I can't quite work out, but they speak no English. Reluctantly, they communicate with me in Spanish. The television has Catalan regional television playing; Puigdemont's speech is listened to intently by everyone there. Conversation stops, but eating doesn't. When he finishes speaking, the entire bar erupts in a round of applause.
I ask the waitress whether most people around here are pro-independence. She replies with the single word "Todos", meaning everyone. That's certainly the impression I get in that area.
The Catalan TV station is, perhaps, a little biased in favour of Catalan independence - at least from as much as I can work out when I'm listening in a language I don't speak. I pick up the speeches which are in Spanish, and a smattering of Catalan from my reasonable Spanish and poor French. It's enough to get a flavour of their editorial slant. They make some valid points - for example, the content of statements by various governments around the world which do not recognise the Catalan Declaration of Independence. They highlight a message sent by Spain seeking to choreograph various pieces of content it wants in those statements.
It's less biased than the Spanish media is in the opposite direction, however. The Spanish media focused on the potential imprisonment of Catalan leaders, complained of the teaching in Catalan schools, focused on smaller Spanish counter-demonstrations more than Catalan demonstrations, upon threats to Catalan businesses, and of course on the reactions of the governments. What surprised me was just how intense these messages were on the Spanish television channel I was watching: one after another, blatantly pushing their agenda.
There are Spanish-only areas in Barcelona. One fairly young British ex-pat has lived and worked here for 17 years; he now thinks and dreams in Spanish. He speaks Catalan; to what extent I don't know, but he's scathing about it.
"This is Spain", he says, dismissing the Catalan language as though its millennium-long history were a modern fad. I'm surprised by the sarcastic, belittling side to his further remarks; it's the first I've seen, but then, he's the first enthusiastically pro-Spain person I've found. His attitude seemingly mirrors that of the Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy. I realise that I've seen this attitude before, from smug Remainers during the British EU referendum.
Meanwhile, out on the streets it seems that it's a polite revolution, perhaps the politest I've ever seen. One video doing the rounds on social media shows a pro-independence demonstration. A lone person waves a Spanish flag amongst the sea of Catalan ones; the crowd simply and politely ignore him. Having failed to goad the crowd into a reaction, he silently walks away.
Has there been some unrest? Yes, there has, but in the context of over a million people marching on both sides, and the emotions undoubtedly accompanying an unilateral Declaration of Independence, it's surprisingly and thankfully little.
The Spanish government has forced elections upon Catalonia for just before Christmas, which will be on a knife edge.
The final word goes, fittingly perhaps, to the last person I speak to before leaving.
I ask him whether he supports independence. He replies that it's irrelevant: Madrid will never let Catalonia leave Spain, in his opinion. "For every 10 euros we send to Madrid, we get 4 back. Without Catalonia, the Spanish economy would collapse. They'll never allow us to leave."
To him it's all about the money. I venture the proposition that it might be about democracy too, but I fear he considers me to be somewhat naive in doing so. For the people I met in Girona, the question was clearly one of sovereignty: who governs Catalonia? But for many, for those less politically engaged, it's all about the money. It was ever thus.
Yet daily life continues unchanged; those who are pro-independence Catalans seek remedy at the ballot box rather than other means. For that reason, I have far more sympathy with them than I ever did with any independence movement resorting to nastiness, threats or even outright terror.
A few weeks ago, I supported the Catalan right to self-determination yet hoped they would ultimately choose to remain Spanish. Today I find myself somehow warming to the idea of the creation of a Catalan nation. To me it's all about democracy; to others, it's all about the money.

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Diane Abbott - Ever Sweet And Lovely!

Diane Abbott tears into sexual harassment in Parliament but REFUSES to condemn John McDonnell for joking about lynching a female Tory MP

  • Abbott tore into Michael Gove and MPs over sexual jokes and lewd remarks.
  • She failed to condemn John McDonnell over joking about lynching Esther McVey.
  • In 2014 the left-winger said of McVey: Why aren't we lynching the b******?'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5028637/Diane-Abbott-refused-condemn-McDonnell-lynching-jibe.html#ixzz4wvOlETfr
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


Christian Persecution By UK Moslems.

Pakistani Christian 'is knocked out and left with a broken nose by a gang of "Muslims" in Derbyshire who attacked him for displaying a cross and poppies on his car'

  • Tajamal Amar had his nose broken and was knocked out during a brutal attack.
  • He believes he was targeted by Muslims because of the poppies on his car.
  • The 46-year-old wants to leave his Derby home because he does not feel safe.
  • He fled his native Pakistan after being shot by Muslims as he refused to convert!
    'I know this, because for a few days before the attack the same men, glared at me after they noticed my Christian paraphernalia.
    Now Mr Amar wants to leave Derby because he no longer feels safe, but he tragically left Pakistan after being shot by Muslims there after refusing to convert to Islam. 
    'I fled from Pakistan to escape violence such as this, but more and more the same violence is coming into Britain.
    'Freedom of religion should be the right of any British citizen but today I feel unsafe, even then nothing will stop me going to church.
    'I will pray for my attackers and hope they will change their hard-lineapproach to faith which is very dangerous for our society.'
    Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, said: 'This unprovoked attack on a Christian for simply displaying a cross and two large poppies is an example of the religious intolerance that some strands of radical Islam promote in Britain.

When Lefties Are Offended - It Matters. If I Am Offended, it Doesn't! - Why Is That?

Expand | Collapse
A church in the United Kingdom will not sing the hymn, "Onward, Christian Soldiers," during the service on Remembrance Sunday, which commemorates the contribution of British war dead, so as not to "offend" non-Christians.
St Peter's Church in Oadby, Leicester, will end its Remembrance Day parade with, "All People That On Earth Do Dwell," because the hymn sounds more multi-cultural, and some members of Oadby Royal British Legion social club have threatened to boycott the service, BBC reports. CP.

A Dozen Memorable Quotes By Luther.



So Many 'Environmentalists' Cannot See The Woods For The Trees!

Contemptible And Unrighteous!

Justice Secretary David Lidington has decided to permit UK prisoners sentenced to less than year in prison and let out on day release to be allowed home to vote, in U-turn over current ban. Mail.

Cats Largely Explained.

Of course, there are other issues - what if the cat wants to be petted and stroked? That has to be brokered into the situation too.
On Thursday I saw a man out walking his 'lady dog' and the difference between cats and dogs was really showing through. Every four steps she paused to look admiringly into his face. It was love, clear and true and unmistakable. She would have given her life for him.

Had To Draw Curtains And Put Lights On At 5pm Yesterday.

Putting the clocks back is insane. Why make winter start in October?

Axe Stamp Duty? - Too Much Like Common Sense!

The Adam Smith Institute said the ‘damaging’ tax – which raised £11.7billion last year – stopped Britons moving jobs and kept them in houses too large for their needs. Mail.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Catalan Protests.


Spanish Speaker? - Friday's Catalan Excitement.


God's 'Yes'.


Theresa, You Have A Hand Full Of Trump Cards And You Are Not Taking A Single Trick.

'Worst nightmare' Fury as Britain set to KEEP 'hated' EU fishing rules beyond March 2019.

PLANS to keep “hated” EU fishing rules in place beyond March 2019 were tonight described as the struggling British industry’s “worst nightmare”.

Ministers have confirmed the bloc’s controversial quota system, the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), will be copied in its entirety into UK law as part of the exit process. 
The Government insists that Britain will “become an independent coastal state on the day we leave the European Union” but says Brussels red tape needs to be phased out gradually. 
It has drawn up a Great Repeal Bill which will transpose all EU law onto the British statute books, with MPs then set to go through each individual piece and decide what should be kept, amended or binned. 
Environment minister George Eustice revealed Britain will leave the CFP in March 2019 but will directly replicate the terms of the programme to “provide continuity on the day we leave”. 

Beavers, Eh?

Immigration: Fabius Maximus..

Fabius Maximus.

This Blogger does not wholly accept every point in this submission but the case made is still devastating in its sharpness and perspicacity.


EnvironMENTALIST Numpties Alert.

Whatever you feel about organised shoots, it is unarguable that gamekeepers were very good news for UK wildlife - and in a few  places - still are.
In perhaps the majority of cases this was just a happy by-product of predator control by 'keepers aimed at the protection of gamebirds from harm. But if a system works ...
They culled crows; hammered magpies; killed grey squirrels; controlled stoats and polecats. They would shoot those cats which thought it fun to patrol the nests of ground-nesting birds and wreak havoc.
Rather more naughtily, many would illegally kill sparrowhawks and buzzards - but should you ever visit a keepered area, you would soon spot that there is a plethora of wildlife not witnessed elsewhere and I speak from personal experience.
As 'keepers diminish in numbers and more of them are following the letter of the law than ever before because court fines tend to be breathtaking for killing the very predators which wreck our wildlife.
Programmes to protect the sparrowhawk now mean that it is regularly seen in our cities and as close as twenty feet from where I am currently typing this piece. The devastation wrought cannot be underestimated.
When environmentalist buffoons are reintroducing goshawks and seeing them prosper after 400+ years of extinction and, similarly with red kites - not known on these shores since medieval times - you are forced to conclude that they know less than nowt about the countryside.
IMHO, the RSPB is barely fit for purpose with its 'hug a predator' attitudes. It is very similar to those wets who saw crime rocket because they wanted to cuddle criminals rather than deal pragmatically with them.
As I see it, only SONGBIRD SURVIVAL can be trusted with your money. They actually understand the countryside and do not work to what I consider to be a politically correct agenda.

I have known five different gamekeepers in my life - all of whom were most impressive people and on their patches - wildlife boomed!

That Bullfighting Win Still Keeps A Smile On My Face.

Jonathan triumph in Strasbourg on bullfighting! 
Keeping bullfighting going has now become far more difficult!

Brexit No Deal? - Big Deal!

'Brexit no deal is nothing to fear if we invest and prepare'

Read more at: http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/opinion/brexit-no-deal-is-nothing-to-fear-if-we-invest-and-prepare-1-8826939


 Even Confucious Did Not Achieve His Own Level Of Striving Through 'Ren'.
