Monday, October 30, 2017

Christian Persecution By UK Moslems.

Pakistani Christian 'is knocked out and left with a broken nose by a gang of "Muslims" in Derbyshire who attacked him for displaying a cross and poppies on his car'

  • Tajamal Amar had his nose broken and was knocked out during a brutal attack.
  • He believes he was targeted by Muslims because of the poppies on his car.
  • The 46-year-old wants to leave his Derby home because he does not feel safe.
  • He fled his native Pakistan after being shot by Muslims as he refused to convert!
    'I know this, because for a few days before the attack the same men, glared at me after they noticed my Christian paraphernalia.
    Now Mr Amar wants to leave Derby because he no longer feels safe, but he tragically left Pakistan after being shot by Muslims there after refusing to convert to Islam. 
    'I fled from Pakistan to escape violence such as this, but more and more the same violence is coming into Britain.
    'Freedom of religion should be the right of any British citizen but today I feel unsafe, even then nothing will stop me going to church.
    'I will pray for my attackers and hope they will change their hard-lineapproach to faith which is very dangerous for our society.'
    Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, said: 'This unprovoked attack on a Christian for simply displaying a cross and two large poppies is an example of the religious intolerance that some strands of radical Islam promote in Britain. 
