Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The AFD - Who And What Are They?
On thing that amazes me regarding a party of this type is why they have to adopt a racist and often anti-semitic agenda which is repugnant to so many people.
Argue against immigration, by all means, but NEVER against immigrants without specific and genuine cause. (I might refer to the Criminals in Calais as one such example). 
I am perfectly aware that the AFD purports not to be racist - but when it allows such a high proportion of such people to remain within their ranks - they have problems which cannot be resolved.
Is it that difficult? - Ukip used to expel all those who subscribed to a racist agenda and were happy to allow members from all races to be members and candidates. If you do not do similarly - you do not deserve to succeed. (Not that Ukip was a right wing party, of course - it was mildly populist.)
So long as the AFD remains with a large proportion of racists within their ranks they are rightly unelectable. That is a shame - they have so many policies which are better than what the centre-left feeds us - so very often under the guise of 'pretend conservatism'.

Learning From Joseph.