Sunday, April 01, 2018

"We Don't Do God." BRILLIANT!

“We don’t do God …” – Part One
Today is the day ‘in between’, between the two most important
 days in the Christian Calendar. It is, I believe, a most suitable
 time to look in more depth at this statement by Alastair Campbell.
 For many people, his pithy words to Tony Blair, that “we don’t do God”,
 were simply a proper expression of how politicians in our secular
 society should behave. That they were a cynical bit of advice to his
 leader who loudly and publicly did ‘do God’ after he resigned as PM
 is indisputable.
What this sentence shows is that for a generation Christianity has been
 deemed to be obsolete: for our opinion makers, for the Chatterati 
governing the MSM, the establishment and especially our educational 
system. For them, it is chic to be an atheist, or at the very least an 
agnostic. One couldn’t possibly be ‘progressive’ if one were a Christian. 
The many comment posts under any opinion piece in our MSM show how 
deep-rooted this viewpoint has become in our society.
But there is a very dark side to this now so pervasive attitude, a dark side 
which heavily influences our debate on islam which I shall address in 
more detail in Part Two tomorrow.
One manifestation of this dark side is the utterly devastating scandal is 
the shameful evidence, over decades, of the failure of our governments 
to address the grooming gangs in our cities: we all know the names of 
the towns and cities, truly a list of horror and shame for anyone 
connected to the police, the judiciary, the local councils, the social services.
Perhaps though it is too facile to blame it simply on Political 
Correctness, on Common Purpose acolytes: yes, they were and are at the 
sharp end and did nothing – but that PC, Common Purpose, that the 
false public god of ‘diversity’ were able to take over the political culture 
so easily might perhaps have had something to do with not ‘doing God’.
Perhaps, one might surmise, the generation creating PC, secularism, 
atheism, were exposed to too much ‘doing God’ in their youth. I’m sure 
many remember how on Sundays nothing at all happened. No cinema, 
no theatre, no sports, only ‘good’ music on the radio – and of course 
everyone had to go to church to be preached at. No wonder the young 
rebelled against these restrictions after the war – but perhaps they 
threw the baby out with the bathwater.
Early representatives of virtue-signalling found their way into the 
Labour Party and changed it. If one didn’t want to be called ‘racist’ 
one had to be for ‘diversity’. If one didn’t want to be called ‘God-botherer’, 
one had to support all those shiny new things like being pro-gay, 
pro-abortion, pro-feminism in its strident form, even pro-pedophilia, 
as is rumoured about some Labour ladies.
And one had to be, of course, against the family – that horrible, 
suffocating, monstrous instrument of suppressing ‘free spirits’ and 
‘brainwashing children’ into the Christian Faith. Care for children, 
for the elderly: hadn’t Labour promised to do this, with the NHS 
trumpeted as being there ‘from cradle to grave’? It just needed 
more money, the rich just needed to be taxed until the pips squeaked,
 and people from all over the world would come and do the work – with
 the desirable by-product of ‘rubbing the noses of the Tories’ into ‘diversity’.
Over fifty years ago, when Germany took in ‘gastarbeiter’ (guest workers)
 from Turkey, the German writer Max Frisch wrote “we called for workers
 – and human beings came”. That sounds quaint now. Today, we can state
 that in Labour’s disastrous attempt to make our country more diverse,
 they called for ‘differently coloured people’ – and islam came. We all 
know the consequences and are living with them.
The dark side of ‘not doing God’ is our inability to confront islam. 
Many of us have studied it over the years, and many others are set to 
enlighten us even more. They work hard to stem the flood of 
islamification by making people aware. However, it is my opinion 
that their proposed solutions are bound to fail because too 
many people are not interested. Far too many people have bought 
fully into the “we don’t do God” mantra – even the Church of England 
and their bishops. How else can it be possible that, as happened last 
year, bishops allow quran verses be read from the pulpit of a cathedral?
 Don’t they know anything at all about that so-called ‘religion’, about its 
sly and later bloody way of conquest?
But what can one expect from a generation grown up under
 an ever more ‘enlightened’ public life where Christian feasts
 have become mass marketing events, where even the names 
of those feasts are scratched out so as ‘not to offend’? Eid and 
Divali are ‘celebrated’ more fervently by our politicians than 
Easter, and no politician would dare to suggest a more ‘inclusive’ 
name for those feasts so as not to offend Christians!
In the public mind, Easter, the foundation of Christianity, has 
become just another day for eating chocolates and going to the 
sales. Moreover, even bishops, never mind politicians, are now 
pondering to institute a fixed date for the Easter Holidays so that 
businesses and industry can plan ahead in our Globalised “culture”. 
You won’t find those politicians calling for a fixed time period 
for Ramadan … 
Ukip Daily.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.