Thursday, June 14, 2018

Fascism In Action - Naturally, It Is The Far Left.

David Kurten blasts fascist far-left thugs for shutting down the debate in Lewisham.

Published Jun 12, 2018
More than 50 activists have shut down a by-election hustings in Lewisham East, closing down the democratic debate, and preventing the public from making an informed decision at the ballot box. 
UKIP Lewisham East candidate, David Kurten AM said: “It is an outrage that fascist 'anti-fascist' far-left thugs have closed down the Lewisham East By-Election hustings. There was no chance for voters to hear candidates answer questions. It is a dark day for democracy and free speech when a group of thugs has been allowed to close down a debate and stop voters from hearing and questioning legitimate political parties and make up their own minds who they wish to vote for.
“The police took the decision to close the hustings after just half an hour of opening speeches, but it would have been better if they had taken stronger action and arrested the mob of anti-democratic thugs for Public Order offences, as candidates and voters alike were intimidated by their actions. By allowing these fascist bullies to close down debate, it sends out a terrible message that a far-left mob can get their way by intimidating the public.”


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